Hi Kenn,I'm +1 of course. I remember that you and I and others discussed in a 
similar thread about dev facing docs but
it got lost at some point in time.IMHO
I would add - runners specifics (e.g. how runners implement state or timer, how 
they split data into bundles, etc...)-
probably putting online the doc I did for nexmark that summarizes the 
architecture and pseudo code of the queries
(because some are several thousand lines of code). I often use it to recall 
what a given query does.
I would remove - BIPs / summaries of collections of JIRAbecause it is hard to 
maintain and will end up being out of 
date I think.
Le jeudi 07 juin 2018 à 13:23 -0700, Kenneth Knowles a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I've been in half a dozen conversations recently about whether to have a wiki 
> and what to use it for. Some things I've
> heard:
>  - "why is all this stuff that users don't care about here?"
>  - "can we have a lighter weight place to put technical references for 
> contributors"
> So I want to consider as a community starting up our wiki. Ideas for what 
> could go there:
>  - Collection of links to design docs like 
> https://beam.apache.org/contribute/design-documents/
>  - Specialized walkthroughs like 
> https://beam.apache.org/contribute/docker-images/
>  - Best-effort notes that just try to help out like 
> https://beam.apache.org/contribute/intellij/
>  - Docs on in-progress stuff like 
> https://beam.apache.org/documentation/runners/jstorm/
>  - Expanded instructions for committers, more than 
> https://beam.apache.org/contribute/committer-guide/
>  - BIPs / summaries of collections of JIRA
>  - Docs sitting in markdown in the repo like 
> https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/master/sdks/CONTAINERS.md and https:/
> /github.com/apache/beam-site/blob/asf-site/README.md (which will soon not be 
> a toplevel README)
> What do you think?
> (a) should we do it?
> (b) what should go there?
> (c) what should not go there?
> Kenn

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