Hi all,

just a quick FYI: improved documentation was merged to the Beam's site.

Thanks to everyone involved!


śr., 30 maj 2018 o 14:25 Łukasz Gajowy <lukasz.gaj...@gmail.com> napisał(a):

> Hi,
> the Performance Testing Framework is an ongoing effort for some time now.
> As I noticed (and received signals from the community) it is getting more
> popular (this is good) but besides changing commands from mvn to gradle
> ones, it was not updated for a very long time (this is not good at all!).
> It's about time to document it properly. I created a JIRA for this[1].
> Before we resolve the JIRA, I thought it would be good to ask you about
> biggest pain points in the current documentation[2] (or in the Performance
> Testing Framework itself) - what do you find the most lacking? Maybe there
> are some sections you'd like to add (eg. "Future plans of development)?
> Such feedback would be very helpful in providing fine-tuned documentation
> so it is much appreciated. Feel free to comment here or in the comments
> section of the ticket. Thanks in advance!
> [1]: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BEAM-4430
> [2]:
> https://beam.apache.org/documentation/io/testing/#i-o-transform-integration-tests
> Best regards,
> Łukasz

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