Hi Community,

When reading apache-beam related questions in stackoverflow, it happens
that some questions only mention version number(e.g. 2.8.0) but not mention
which SDK related. Sometimes I can tell which SDK it is from code snippets,
sometime I cannot as there is no code snippet. So in order to answer those
questions I need to first comment and ask which SDK.

I noticed that there is no tag for a specific SDK for apache beam. Adding
such tags will be helpful when
1. Questions with such tag tell which SDK it is talking about.
2. If Questions do not mention SDK and without such tag, I can (or anyone
else) help tag them.

Note that creating tags is a privilege in SO that requires >1500
reputation[1]. If people generally are ok with this idea, we will need to
ask for help in the community to see who could be able to create tags.

[1]: https://stackoverflow.com/help/privileges/create-tags


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