+1 to remove those magic words in Calcite streaming SQL, just because
they're not SQL standard. The idea to replace HOP/TUMBLE with
table-view-functions makes it concise, my only question is, is it(or will
it be) part of SQL standard? --I'm a big fan to align with standards :lol

Ps, although the concept of `window` used here are different from window
function in SQL, the syntax gives some insight. Take the example of
assigns a sequence value for records in subgroup with key 'COL1'. We can
introduce another function, like TUMBLE() which will assign a window
instance(more instances for HOP()) for the record.


On Sun, Jul 21, 2019 at 9:42 PM Manu Zhang <owenzhang1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Kenn,
> great paper and left some newbie questions on the proposal.
> Manu
> On Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 1:51 AM Kenneth Knowles <k...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I recently had the great privilege to work with others from Beam plus
>> Calcite and Flink SQL contributors to build a new and minimal proposal for
>> adding streaming extensions to standard SQL: event time, watermarks,
>> windowing, triggers, stream materialization.
>> We hope this will influence the standard body and also Calcite and Flink
>> and other projects working on the streaming SQL.
>> I would like to start implementing these extensions in Beam, moving from
>> our current streaming extensions to the new proposal.
>>    The whole paper is https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.12133
>>    My small proposal to start in Beam:
>> https://s.apache.org/streaming-beam-sql
>> TL;DR: replace `GROUP BY Tumble/Hop/Session` with table functions that do
>> Tumble, Hop, Session. The details of why to make this change are explained
>> in the appendix to my proposal. For the big picture of how it fits in, the
>> full paper is best.
>> Kenn


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