Adding to Ismaël, I find moving Avro out of the core, and keeping
compatibility as a non-exclusive options. Of course, it would require more
effort from our side.

On Thu, Jan 16, 2020 at 12:29 PM Ismaël Mejía <> wrote:

> For the interested there was also some extra context in the discussion at:
> Gleb mentioned the key two points:
> 1. The fact that Avro is exposed in the User API in beam-sdks-java-core
> was a
>    mistake and makes fixing this issue backwards incompatible.
> 2. Shading is not an option because Avro compiler would generate specific
>    records that won't match the non-vendored version so we will break user
>    records compatibility (for example for users with a schema registry).
> So save if I am missing something and someone can give an alternative, we
> are
> in a situation where the only solution to the issue is to do (1), move
> Avro out
> of core as an extension but then the question is would we sacrifice
> breaking
> backwards compatibility for this issue. I am in the 'we should do it' camp.
> What do others think?
> On Thu, Jan 16, 2020 at 10:17 AM Gleb Kanterov <> wrote:
>> There are significant changes between Avro 1.8 and Avro 1.9. I'm not sure
>> it's possible for beam-sdks-java-core to support both at the same time. The
>> fact that AvroIO is a part of the beam-sdks-java-core doesn't make it
>> simpler. However, I can see how we can build two binary artifacts with the
>> same user-facing API each supporting own version of Avro.
>> Shading or vendoring would be a breaking change because public signatures
>> of AvroIO (and few other IOs, for instance, BigQueryIO) refer to classes
>> from Avro, for instance, GenericRecord. Furthermore, a lot of Beam users
>> use Avro compiler to generate Java code for SpecificRecord, which would
>> refer to non-vendored version.

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