Ismaël and I think the short-term solution for Aaron's issue is to
define Beam's own class for Avro's TimestampConversion. Luckily it's
the only blocker for Avro 1.9 I found.
I created a ticket and
PR .


On Fri, Jan 17, 2020 at 7:32 AM Elliotte Rusty Harold
<> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 16, 2020 at 7:08 PM Kenneth Knowles <> wrote:
> >
> > Regarding Google's advice about shading: don't go to a "one version rule" 
> > monorepo for advice about solving diamond dependencies in the wild.
> FWIW these docs came out of the open source, Github, multirepo, many
> versions part of Google Cloud, not the mono repo world of google3.
> Though I will say the more time I spend trying to deal with these
> issues the more I love the monorepo.
> > It is a useful description of the pitfalls. We (and Flink before us, and 
> > likely many more) are already doing something that avoids many of them or 
> > makes them less likely. Building a separate vendored library is simpler and 
> > more robust than the "shade during build".
> >
> I've only encountered "vendoring" as distinct from shading in Beam.
> Are there more details about this anywhere? A quick Google search only
> turned up one Beam doc that pointed to Go docs and a cloud endpoints
> doc that seemed to use it as a synonym for shading.
> --
> Elliotte Rusty Harold


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