Hi All,

I got tired of my local dev environment being ruined by updates so I made a
container for Apache Beam development work. What this does is create a
Docker container from the Ubuntu Groovy image and load it up with all the
necessary libraries/utilities for Apache Beam development. Then I run an
interactive shell in the Docker container where I do my work.

This is a nice way for new contributors to easily get started. However with
the container in its current form, I don't know if this will help other
people because it is tied closely with my workflow (using VIM,
YouCompleteMe, for Python). But I think it can be a nice starting point for
improvements. For example:

   - Sharing the host display with Docker to start GUI applications (like
   IntelliJ) in the container
   - Adding Golang development support

Here's a draft PR <https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/13430>, let me know
what you think, how it can be improved, and whether it's a good idea for us
to have a dev container like this.


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