
Wanted to send a note that PR with changes submitted 
https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/13545 and ready for code review

From: Alex Kosolapov <alex.kosola...@akvelon.com>
Date: Thursday, December 10, 2020 at 3:44 PM
To: "dev@beam.apache.org" <dev@beam.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Docker Development Environment

Hi Brian,

Yes - will update the script, created JIRA to track 

I was thinking about dscl initially too - and dscl will require user to create 
docker group in this case as you noted. For some users that might be an extra 
manual step to do (group not created automatically by Docker install).

Can approaches be combined?

  1.  If docker group created – use docker group’s gid
  2.  If docker group not created – assign some default, e.g. 1000 or some 
other safe way of handling “no docker group” case


From: Brian Hulette <bhule...@google.com>
Reply-To: "dev@beam.apache.org" <dev@beam.apache.org>
Date: Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at 12:21 PM
To: dev <dev@beam.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Docker Development Environment

Hey Alex,
Thanks for trying this out on macOS! Some responses inline

On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 11:42 AM Alex Kosolapov 
<alex.kosola...@akvelon.com<mailto:alex.kosola...@akvelon.com>> wrote:


Thank you for creating Docker build environment - makes build environment setup 
so much easier!

I ran start-build-env.sh on a macOS, and I ran into some items that wanted to 
share + propose how to improve Docker build environment for macOS support:

  1.  ./start-build-env.sh: line 75: getent: command not found and script build 
error downstream.

Step 26/26 : RUN echo '. /scripts/beam_env_checks.sh' >> /root/.bash_aliases

 ---> Using cache

 ---> fe48b8b26e91

Successfully built fe48b8b26e91

Successfully tagged beam-build:latest

./start-build-env.sh: line 75: getent: command not found

Sending build context to Docker daemon   2.56kB

Step 1/10 : FROM beam-build

 ---> fe48b8b26e91

Step 2/10 : RUN rm -f /var/log/faillog /var/log/lastlog

 ---> Using cache

 ---> 11ea31f2099e

Step 3/10 : RUN groupadd --non-unique -g 100 alex

 ---> Using cache

 ---> cf3f56f51d9f

Step 4/10 : RUN groupmod -g  docker

 ---> Running in 5d5bc473be3b

groupmod: invalid group ID 'docker'

The command '/bin/bash -o pipefail -c groupmod -g  docker' returned a non-zero 
code: 3

I investigated the issues and found that start-build-env.sh expected group 
"docker" created in the system groups. Creating a docker group is an optional 
post install step (https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/linux-postinstall/), 
another relevant reference to 
forum<https://forums.docker.com/t/no-more-docker-group/9123> gives a hint of 
using staff group on macOS. Solution that worked for me was pick another GID 
for DOCKER_GROUP_ID on Mac, e.g.

#DOCKER_GROUP_ID=$(getent group docker | cut -d':' -f3)

if [ "$(uname -s)" = "Linux" ]; then

    DOCKER_GROUP_ID=$(getent group docker | cut -d':' -f3)


if [ "$(uname -s)" = "Darwin" ]; then



I think everyone using this container should do that postinstall step so that 
docker doesn't have to be run as root. We actually point to it in an error 
message if we detect the script is run as root. I think the real issue here is 
that getent doesn't exist on MacOS, it looks like there is an alternative 
approach though: 

Would you be ok updating the script to use that approach on macOS? This would 
still require users to make a docker group.

  1.  Step 10/10 : RUN chown -R alex: /Users/alex/.cache

 ---> Running in f09e2bb0e045

chown: cannot access '/Users/alex/.cache': No such file or directory

The command '/bin/bash -o pipefail -c chown -R alex: /Users/alex/.cache' 
returned a non-zero code: 1

                Fix for this was to change from HOME to DOCKER_HOME_DIR:

                              RUN chown -R ${USER_NAME}:${GROUP_ID} 

ENV GOPATH ${DOCKER_HOME_DIR}/beam/sdks/go/examples/.gogradle/project_gopath
Ah yes this definitely looks like a bug. It just happened to work when running 
from a machine where the HOME dir was the same as in the container. This one 
definitely makes sense.

If these proposed solutions make sense I will create JIRA ticket and submit 
these improvements for Docker build support on macOS.

Thank you,

Alex Kosolapov

From: Brian Hulette <bhule...@google.com<mailto:bhule...@google.com>>
Reply-To: "dev@beam.apache.org<mailto:dev@beam.apache.org>" 
Date: Friday, December 4, 2020 at 1:15 PM
To: dev <dev@beam.apache.org<mailto:dev@beam.apache.org>>
Cc: Omar Ismail <omarism...@google.com<mailto:omarism...@google.com>>
Subject: Re: Docker Development Environment

I think https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/13308 is about ready to merge. One 
question was whether or not to install pyenv in the container - I think we 
should try to do without it. Users of this environment will already be 
operating within a container, so they shouldn't need pyenv to create isolated 
python environments, they could just use the container's system python.

The two issues Alex mentioned are still outstanding, but they seem to be issues 
with ./gradlew check unrelated to the container. I filed BEAM-11402 [1] to 
track this separately.

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BEAM-11402

On Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 11:43 AM Alex Amato 
<ajam...@google.com<mailto:ajam...@google.com>> wrote:
If any of these are suitable for at least some development. I propose we merge 
them, and update them with fixes later. Rather than trying to get things 100% 
working in the first PR.

Looks like this one was opened in early Sept, and never got merged. Which is a 
pretty long time. Perhaps abandoned for the later?

This one looks like its just failing on just a few tests (Which may be 
addressed soon, but the PR was opened 19 days ago).
(Can we set a deadline for this? And just say merge it by the end of the week, 
regardless if the last two tests can be fixed or not?)

(Would like to nudge this along, as it's been a pain point for many for a while 

Thanks for the work here Niels, Omar and Sam.
Looking forward to giving this a try :)

On Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 11:32 AM Brian Hulette 
<bhule...@google.com<mailto:bhule...@google.com>> wrote:
I agree this is a good idea. I remember my first experience with Beam 
development - I ran through the steps at [1] and had `./gradlew check` fail. I 
don't think I ever got it working before moving on and just running more 
specific tasks.
It would be great if we had a reliable way for new contributors to establish an 
environment that can successfully run `./gradlew check`.

Niels Basjes' PR (https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/13308) seems to be close 
to that, so I think we should focus on getting that working and iterate from 
there. Omar concurred with that in https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/12837.

[1] https://beam.apache.org/contribute/#development-setup

On Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 3:39 PM Ahmet Altay 
<al...@google.com<mailto:al...@google.com>> wrote:
Thank you for doing this.

I have seen a few related PRs. Connecting them here in case these efforts could 
be combined:
- https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/12837 (/cc +Omar 
Ismail<mailto:omarism...@google.com> )
- https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/13308


On Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 2:53 PM Sam Rohde 
<sro...@google.com<mailto:sro...@google.com>> wrote:
Hi All,

I got tired of my local dev environment being ruined by updates so I made a 
container for Apache Beam development work. What this does is create a Docker 
container from the Ubuntu Groovy image and load it up with all the necessary 
libraries/utilities for Apache Beam development. Then I run an interactive 
shell in the Docker container where I do my work.

This is a nice way for new contributors to easily get started. However with the 
container in its current form, I don't know if this will help other people 
because it is tied closely with my workflow (using VIM, YouCompleteMe, for 
Python). But I think it can be a nice starting point for improvements. For 

  *   Sharing the host display with Docker to start GUI applications (like 
IntelliJ) in the container
  *   Adding Golang development support
Here's a draft PR<https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/13430>, let me know what 
you think, how it can be improved, and whether it's a good idea for us to have 
a dev container like this.


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