Yes, it is related to protobuf only. But I think the update of these
dependencies are required for Python 3.11 since the newer versions have
support for Python 3.11 wheels. If we use older versions of these packages,
then we have to depend on installing those packages on Python 3.11 from
source distributions which is not desired.

I am working parallely on that issue in a different PR but I think this issue should be
a blocker for Python 3.11 update.

On Tue, Feb 7, 2023 at 5:25 PM Valentyn Tymofieiev <>

> Hi Anand,
> On Tue, Feb 7, 2023 at 1:35 PM Anand Inguva via dev <>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> We are planning to work on adding support for Python 3.11[1] to Apache
>> Beam Python SDK.
>> As part of this effort, we are going to update the python build
>> dependencies defined at [2].
>> Right now, there is an error with the newer version of protobuf(4.21.11).
>> It is not generating _urn files.
>> It can be reproduced by
>> 1. python sdist
>> 2. pip install dist/apache-beam-x.xx.x.dev0.tar.gz
>> 3. switch to python interpreter and run import apache_beam as beam
> I think the error you are describing is related to protobuf 4, so the
> repro should focus on the portion where generation of stubs is happening.
> Presumably some stubs are not generated on protobuf 4 + Python 3.11?
>> will lead to *ImportError: cannot import name 'beam_runner_api_pb2_urns'
>> from 'apache_beam.portability.api'.  *Running `python` to
>> forcefully generate files didn't help either.
>> If you have encountered this error and found a resolution, please let me
>> know(that would be super helpful).
>> I am going to work on this soon. Please let me know if you want to
>> collaborate.
>> Thanks,
>> Anand Inguva
>> *[1] *
>> [2]

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