+1 to just stopping the automated email. I don't find it valuable. It was
never finely-tuned enough in terms of actionability vs spam volume.

On Tue, May 30, 2023 at 7:24 AM Jack McCluskey via dev <dev@beam.apache.org>

> Hi everyone,
> Just bumping this again now that the long weekend is behind us. If no one
> advocates for fixing the job in the next few days I'll assume a lazy
> consensus and remove it.
> I also want to point out a typo in the subject, it should be "Remove *or*
>  Fix."
> Thanks,
> Jack McCluskey
> On Thu, May 25, 2023 at 3:16 PM Jack McCluskey <jrmcclus...@google.com>
> wrote:
>> Hey everyone,
>> The Beam Dependency Check Report email (like
>> https://lists.apache.org/thread/tc9v1d66rx77wzvrjnkcf0jo3rxtmrhn) has
>> not had a successful incarnation since July 21st, 2022. I've done a little
>> bit of digging into the problem and have found that the issue lies in a
>> query
>> <https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/2b13a03acc46c0a53dca9857f530d08a20b50da1/.test-infra/jenkins/dependency_check/dependency_check_report_generator.py#L196>
>> to a "Python Compatibility Checking Service" that is just an IP address
>> also taking the package name, version, and then specifying that it wants
>> Python 2 packages specifically. I made a few brief attempts to figure out
>> what that IP address was supposed to lead to and didn't turn up anything;
>> however, that doesn't seem to matter since the root of the problem is that
>> the job cannot connect to anything at that address, so the build fails and
>> the email is sent out without a body.
>> I started a bit of work this afternoon trying to update the job to direct
>> its Python-related queries to PyPi's JSON API (
>> https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/26897); however, I question the need
>> for this automated email at all given that we added Dependabot to the
>> repository around 6 weeks before the Jenkins job started failing. If
>> there's a good reason to fix it I'll keep digging, otherwise I'm in favor
>> of removing the job altogether.
>> Thanks,
>> Jack McCluskey
>> --
>> Jack McCluskey
>> SWE - DataPLS PLAT/ Dataflow ML
>> RDU
>> jrmcclus...@google.com

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