I'm currently in holidays but I'll put some thought into this and give my
comments once I get back.


On Wed, Oct 5, 2016, 21:51 Ben Chambers <bchamb...@google.com.invalid>

> To provide some more background I threw together a quick doc outlining my
> current thinking for this Metrics API. You can find it at
> http://s.apache.org/beam-metrics-api.
> The first PR (https://github.com/apache/incubator-beam/pull/1024)
> introducing these APIs for the direct runner is hopefully nearing
> completion. If there are no objections, I'd like to check it in and start
> working on hooking this up to other runners to flesh out how this will
> interact with them. We can continue to iterate on the API and concepts in
> the doc and create follow-up PRs for any changes we'd like to make.
> As always, let me know if there are any questions or comments!
> -- Ben
> On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 5:05 PM Ben Chambers <bchamb...@google.com> wrote:
> I started looking at BEAM-147: “Rename Aggregator to [P]Metric”. Rather
> than renaming the existing concept I’d like to introduce Metrics as a
> simpler mechanism to provide information during pipeline execution (I have
> updated the issue accordingly).
> Here is what I'm thinking would lead to a simpler API focused on reporting
> metrics about pipeline execution:
>    1.
>    Rather than support arbitrary Combine functions, Metrics support a set
>    of specific aggregations with documented use-cases (eg., Counter, Meter,
>    Distribution, etc.) and an API inspired by the Dropwizard Metrics
> library.
>    2.
>    Rather than requiring declaration during pipeline construction (like
>    Aggregators) Metrics allow declaration at any point because it is
> easier to
>    use.
>    3.
>    Metrics provide more documented flexibility in how runners support them,
>    by allowing each runner to provide different details about metrics and
>    support different kinds of metrics, while clearly documenting what the
>    kinds are and what should happen if they aren’t supported. This allows
>    users to use metrics in a reliable way even though runners may implement
>    them differently
> # What does the Metrics API look like?
> The API for using metrics would be relatively simple:
> // Metrics can be used as fields:
> private final Counter cnt = Metrics.counter(“mycode”, “odd-elements”);
> @ProcessElement
> public void processElement(ProcessContext c) {
>  if (c.element() % 2 == 1) {
>    cnt.inc();
>  }
>  // Metrics can be created dynamically:
>  Metrics.distribution(“mycode”, “elements”).report(c.element());
>  ...
> }
> # What Kinds of Metrics could there be?
> There are many kinds of metrics that seem like they could be useful. We
> could eventually support metrics like the following:
>    -
>    Counter: Can be incremented/decremented. Will be part of the initial
>    implementation.
>    -
>    Distribution: Values can be reported and various statistics are
>    reported. The initial implementation will support “easy” statistics like
>    MIN/MAX/MEAN/SUM/COUNT. We’d like to support quantiles in the future to
>    make this more comparable to Dropwizard’s Histogram.
>    -
>    (Future) Meter: Method to indicate something happened. Computes the rate
>    of occurrences.
>    -
>    (Future) Timer: A meter measuring how often something happens plus a
>    distribution of how long it took each time.
>    -
>    (Future) Frequent Elements: Reports values that occurred more than N% of
>    the time.
> # What are the next steps?
> I’ve started work prototyping the new API by implementing it for the Java
> DirectRunner. To see an example pipeline that reports a Counter and a
> Distribution, take a look at the first PR
> https://github.com/apache/incubator-beam/pull/1024
> # Where does that leave Aggregators?
> Hopefully, this new Metrics API addresses the goals of monitoring a
> pipeline more cleanly than Aggregators. In the long term, it would be good
> to make Aggregators a more complete participant in the model, by adding
> support for windowing and allowing the results to be used as input to later
> steps in the pipeline. Or to make them completely unnecessary by making it
> easy to use side-outputs with the new reflective DoFn approach. Once
> Metrics are available, we may want to deprecate or remove Aggregators until
> we’re ready to figure out what the right API is.

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