Dear BigTop Devs,

I'm a member of the Big Data / High-Performance I/O team at IBM Research
that develops the Crail open source project (**
<>). Together with PMC member Amir Sanjar we have been
exploring the possibility of donating the Crail code to BigTop and we would
like to hear your thoughts about such a potential integration.

Let me briefly explain what Crail is about: Crail is a platform for storing
(and orchestrating access to) performance critical data in big data
analytics jobs at very high speed. Crail is designed from ground up to
leverage (a) high-speed networking and storage hardware like 100Gbps
networks and NVMe flash, and (b) new modes of data center deployments like
disaggregated data centers, rack-scale deployments and heterogeneous
deployments (e.g., including hardware accelerators), etc. At the same time,
Crail also works in traditional deployments across commodity network and
storage hardware. While currently targeting Linux systems, Crail is
otherwise architecturally independent and has been tested on both x86 and
ppc64 based architectures.

Let me give a few concrete examples of how Crail is used. For instance,
Crail is used to orchestrate access to temporary intra-job data like
shuffle data in Hadoop or Spark or broadcast objects, cached RDDs, etc. in
Spark. Crail is also used to store temporary inter-job data in complex
multi-stage jobs (e.g. a map/reduce job followed by a Spark SQL job). Crail
can generally be used as a storage space for data that is repeatedly
processed like SQL parquet tables.

Today, such data orchestration is done using various techniques. Intra-job
data is typically managed by the compute frameworks through point-to-point
data exchanges implemented using TCP sockets for communication and local
file systems as a temporary storage for the data. For sharing inter-job
data there are systems like Alluxio (formerly Tachyon) or distributed
caches (e.g. Redis). The problem is, each of these solutions can only be
used for one particular type of data or use case (latency sensitive data,
large data, shuffle, etc.). Additionally, new high-performance hardware and
new data center architectures are not leveraged or used very poorly.

Crail, on the other hand, is a platform that implements very efficient data
orchestration for both small and large data sets at the speed of the
hardware, while supporting resource disaggregation and other new forms of
deployments. To give you an idea, Crail–based data shuffling in Spark
reaches a network usage of 80Gbps all-to-all, whereas - on the very same
hardware - the traditional shuffle implementation is stuck at 10-20Gbps or
lower. These improvements at all-to-all data sharing eventually resulted in
a 6x gain at the workload runtime level. A blog post about this can be
found on the Crail website (**
<>). Another example is
storage disaggregation: Crail supports complete disaggregation of memory
and flash for input/output and intra-job data in a Hadoop/Spark/Hive/etc.
job with literally zero performance costs, as shown in our recent Spark
Summit presentation (

Crail is developed (actively!) under the Apache licence, but it's not yet
an Apache project or an Apache incubator project. However, we would like it
to become one and we are looking for support along that direction. We are
also committed to provide long-term support for Crail and of course we are
very much interested in expanding the community behind Crail. We are
currently a team of about 8 developers.

We think Crail could be beneficial for BigTop as it helps to unleash
performance gains of data processing frameworks on modern high-performance
clusters. Already many of the hardware trends Crail is designed for are
making inroads to data centers. For instance, Amazon offers high-speed
instances with 40Gbps network and NVMe flash. Microsoft Azure offers RDMA
networking as part of their cloud offering. We believe this trend is going
to continue and Crail is the platform that allows these hardware trends to
be consumed by the big data frameworks.

We are looking forward to hear from you guys and get feedback about a
potential integration of Crail with BigTop.


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