The forceGarbageCollection was contributed by Twitter before. I remembered
we wrapped that into a try-finally block. I just checked Twitter's branch.
We did wrap that in a try-finally block.

I need to merge that back.

- Sijie

On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 10:22 PM, Charan Reddy G <>

> Hey Sijie,
> Thanks for the response, but didn't get which finally block you are
> referring to. Are you saying that before executing 'continue' statement in
> major compaction 'if' block,  forceGarbageCollection should be set to
> false, so that force Major/Minor compaction would be run only once when
> enableForceGC is called?
> Thanks,
> Charan
> On Feb 7, 2017 10:08 PM, "Sijie Guo" <> wrote:
>> I think forceGarabageCollection should be set in a final block. Can't
>> remember why it wasn't in current master branch.
>> - Sijie
>> On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 7:01 PM, Charan Reddy G <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm trying to understand the reason behind "continue;" statement in line
>>> 352 of (
>>> kkeeper/blob/master/bookkeeper-server/src/main/java/org/apac
>>> he/bookkeeper/bookie/ It is understandable
>>> that if we have done majorcompaction then minor compaction is not required
>>> and it can be skipped, but aren't we missing "forceGarbageCollection.
>>> set(false);" in line 362? Or is it supposed to be like that?
>>> Basically I'm trying to findout when enableForceGC() is called, is it
>>> supposed to trigger and do force GC/Compaction just once or untill it gets
>>> disabled by calling disableForceGC()?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Charan

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