
In InterleavedLedgerStorage, since the initial version of it (
addEntry and processEntry methods are synchronized. If it is synchronized
then I dont get what is the point in having 'writeThreadPool' in
BookieRequestProcessor, if anyhow they are going to be executed
sequentially because of synchronized addEntry method in

If we look at the implementation of addEntry and processEntry method,
'somethingWritten' can be made threadsafe by using AtomicBoolean,
ledgerCache.updateLastAddConfirmed and entryLogger.addEntry methods are
inherently threadsafe.

I'm not sure about semantics of ledgerCache.putEntryOffset method here. I'm
not confident enough to say if LedgerCacheImpl and IndexInMemPageMgr (and
probably IndexPersistenceMgr) are thread-safe classes.

As far as I understood, if ledgerCache.putEntryOffset is thread safe, then
I dont see the need of synchronization for those methods. In any case, if
they are not thread-safe can you please say why it is not thread-safe and
how we can do more granular synchronization at LedgerCacheImpl level, so
that we can remove the need of synchrnoization at InterleavedLedgerStorage

I'm currently working on Multiple Entrylogs -
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BOOKKEEPER-1041. To reap the benefits
of multipleentrylogs feature from performance perspective, this
synchrnoization should be taken care or atleast bring it down to more
granular synchronization (if possible).

    synchronized public long addEntry(ByteBuffer entry) throws IOException {
        long ledgerId = entry.getLong();
        long entryId = entry.getLong();
        long lac = entry.getLong();
        processEntry(ledgerId, entryId, entry);
        ledgerCache.updateLastAddConfirmed(ledgerId, lac);
        return entryId;

    synchronized protected void processEntry(long ledgerId, long entryId,
ByteBuffer entry, boolean rollLog)
            throws IOException {
        somethingWritten = true;
        long pos = entryLogger.addEntry(ledgerId, entry, rollLog);
        ledgerCache.putEntryOffset(ledgerId, entryId, pos);


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