On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 6:00 PM, Sijie Guo <guosi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Jul 15, 2017 at 8:06 AM, Charan Reddy G <reddychara...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hey,
>> In InterleavedLedgerStorage, since the initial version of it (
>> https://github.com/apache/bookkeeper/commit/4a94ce1d8184f5f
>> 38def015d80777a8113b96690 and https://github.com/apache/book
>> keeper/commit/d175ada58dcaf78f0a70b0ebebf489255ae67b5f), addEntry and
>> processEntry methods are synchronized. If it is synchronized then I dont
>> get what is the point in having 'writeThreadPool' in
>> BookieRequestProcessor, if anyhow they are going to be executed
>> sequentially because of synchronized addEntry method in
>> InterleavedLedgerStorage.
> When InterleavedLedgerStore is used in the context of SortedLedgerStore,
> the addEntry and processEntry are only called when flushing happened. The
> flushing happens in background thread, which is effectively running
> sequentially. But adding to the memtable happens concurrently.
> The reason of having 'writeThreadPool' is more on separating writes and
> reads into different thread pools. so writes will not be affected by reads.
> In the context of SortedLedgerStore, the 'writeThreadPool' adds the
> concurrency.
>> If we look at the implementation of addEntry and processEntry method,
>> 'somethingWritten' can be made threadsafe by using AtomicBoolean,
>> ledgerCache.updateLastAddConfirmed and entryLogger.addEntry methods are
>> inherently threadsafe.
>> I'm not sure about semantics of ledgerCache.putEntryOffset method here.
>> I'm not confident enough to say if LedgerCacheImpl and IndexInMemPageMgr
>> (and probably IndexPersistenceMgr) are thread-safe classes.
> LedgerCacheImpl and IndexInMemPageMgr are thread-safe classes. You can
> confirm this from SortedLedgerStorage.
>> As far as I understood, if ledgerCache.putEntryOffset is thread safe,
>> then I dont see the need of synchronization for those methods. In any case,
>> if they are not thread-safe can you please say why it is not thread-safe
>> and how we can do more granular synchronization at LedgerCacheImpl level,
>> so that we can remove the need of synchrnoization at
>> InterleavedLedgerStorage level.
> I don't see any reason why we can't remove the synchronization.
>> I'm currently working on Multiple Entrylogs -
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BOOKKEEPER-1041.
> I am wondering if your multiple-entrylogs approach is making things
> complicated. I have been thinking there can be a simpler approach achieving
> the same goal: for example, having a ledger storage comprised of N
> interleaved/sorted ledger storages, which they share same LedgerCache, but
> having different memtables (for sortedledgerstore) and different entry log
> files.

This is more cleaner approach. @charan can you comment?


>> To reap the benefits of multipleentrylogs feature from performance
>> perspective, this synchrnoization should be taken care or atleast bring it
>> down to more granular synchronization (if possible).
>>     @Override
>>     synchronized public long addEntry(ByteBuffer entry) throws
>> IOException {
>>         long ledgerId = entry.getLong();
>>         long entryId = entry.getLong();
>>         long lac = entry.getLong();
>>         entry.rewind();
>>         processEntry(ledgerId, entryId, entry);
>>         ledgerCache.updateLastAddConfirmed(ledgerId, lac);
>>         return entryId;
>>     }
>>     synchronized protected void processEntry(long ledgerId, long entryId,
>> ByteBuffer entry, boolean rollLog)
>>             throws IOException {
>>         somethingWritten = true;
>>         long pos = entryLogger.addEntry(ledgerId, entry, rollLog);
>>         ledgerCache.putEntryOffset(ledgerId, entryId, pos);
>>     }
>> Thanks,
>> Charan

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