Hi Alex.

Great news, I'm super excited to see this land!
I don't think the PR approach makes sense in this context, the code is
completely different from the current code base, there isn't much benefit
or doing a PR and see the differences between the two.

I would push directly IMO.


On Thu, 26 Jul 2018 at 10:32 Alex Heneveld <alex.henev...@cloudsoftcorp.com>

> Hi Brooklyners-
> I also give a +1 (binding).
> With 72h elapsed I declare the VOTE closed and passed.
> The [IP-CLEARANCE] also passed as folks will see.  I will incorporate
> the new code now.  I will do this as a PR for visibility and call out
> the IP-CLEARANCE process links in that PR, unless anyone thinks a
> different approach is more suitable (e.g. pushing directly?).
> Best regards
> Alex
> On 23/07/2018 14:22, Geoff Macartney wrote:
> > +1 (binding)
> >
> > Excited to see this go into Brooklyn
> >
> >
> > On Mon, 23 Jul 2018 at 14:13 Richard Downer <rich...@apache.org> wrote:
> >
> >> +1 (binding)
> >>
> >> Having seen this UI in action I'd be very happy for it to land into
> >> Brooklyn. It's a much more modern-looking, aesthetically-pleasing UI
> with
> >> much more extensibility, but at it's core the UI works very similar to
> the
> >> old one, so there's very little learning curve for a user moving from
> the
> >> old UI to the new.
> >>
> >> Richard.
> >>
> >>
> >> On Mon, 23 Jul 2018 at 10:07, Alex Heneveld <
> >> alex.henev...@cloudsoftcorp.com>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hi Brooklyners-
> >>>
> >>> This is a vote on whether to accept the brooklyn-ui-angular
> contribution
> >>> at [1] once IP clearance is completed.
> >>>
> >>> For background, as previously discussed a new UI based on Angular/JS
> has
> >>> been offered to the Apache Brooklyn project.  The formal grant has been
> >>> completed and is on file -- thank you Cloudsoft and Fujitsu -- and is
> >>> currently going through IP Clearance (see prior email to this list) and
> >>> barring obstacles we may have that clearance after 72 hours.  The vote
> >>> to accept can occur in parallel with the clearance so that is what we
> >>> are doing.
> >>>
> >>> We propose for the code to be added iniitially to a `new/` subdirectory
> >>> in the `brooklyn-ui` repo, once IP clearance is completed and if this
> >>> vote is successful.  We will then create a set of PRs to replace the
> >>> contents at the root with the contents under `new/` and make changes
> >>> elsewhere as needed for the project to build, run, and be documented
> >>> cleanly.  It is proposed that those PRs be reviewed in the usual way
> (no
> >>> further votes) unless anyone thinks otherwise.
> >>>
> >>> This vote will run for 72 hours.
> >>>
> >>> Best
> >>> Alex
> >>>
> >>> [1]  https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INCUBATOR-214
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On 20/07/2018 16:14, Alex Heneveld wrote:
> >>>> Hi All-
> >>>>
> >>>> The codebase for the UI is staged for review here:
> >>>>
> >>>> https://github.com/ahgittin/brooklyn-ui/tree/new-ui-for-review/new
> >>>>
> >>>> We have created the ip-clearance record [1] to track steps and the
> >>>> legal grant is in process (as per [2]).  We will call for an [IP
> >>>> CLEARANCE] at general@incubator once those are completed, and then we
> >>>> will look for a vote here.  If you have any comments on the code or on
> >>>> the process in the meantime please let me know.
> >>>>
> >>>> Best
> >>>> Alex
> >>>>
> >>>> [1]
> >>>>
> >>
> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/incubator/public/trunk/content/ip-clearance/brooklyn-ui-angular.xml?view=markup
> >>>> [2]
> >>>>
> >>
> https://incubator.apache.org/ip-clearance/ip-clearance-template.html#form-filling
> >>>>
> >>>> On 28/05/2018 12:46, Alex Heneveld wrote:
> >>>>> Dear Brooklyners,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Our users at Fujitsu, UShareSoft, and Cloudsoft have generously
> >>>>> sponsored the contribution of a new UI for Apache Brooklyn. This is
> >>>>> based on the previously-proprietary Cloudsoft AMP UI, for those of
> >>>>> you familiar with that.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The proposed newly contributed UI has all the functionality of the
> >>>>> existing UI including an inspector, groovy console, and online REST
> >>>>> docs.  It is much more recent (angular, webpack), modular, easy to
> >>>>> develop against, and lovely to look at, and so would be a great
> >>>>> contribution based solely on that.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> But even better, it provides a lot of new features:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *  A visual blueprint composer:  drag-and-drop elements from the
> >>>>> catalog onto a canvas, with a bi-directional YAML editor
> >>>>>
> >>>>> * More live activity update:  a kilt view for activities, tailing
> >>>>> output from SSH commands
> >>>>>
> >>>>> * A bundle-oriented catalog:  with search, bundle- or type- view,
> >>>>> delete bundles
> >>>>>
> >>>>> * An extensible, skinnable, and reusable modular architecture: embed
> >>>>> angular directives and components from this project in others, build
> >>>>> a branded version of the UI, and/or add your own modules (e.g. to
> >>>>> accompany specific blueprints)
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The last point in particular I think will be very valuable:  it will
> >>>>> allow people to use Brooklyn in many more good ways!  There are plans
> >>>>> to make the Composer embeddable and able to work with other input
> >>>>> libraries (think e.g. of pointing it at a Docker repo or an image
> >>>>> catalog), and with widgets for configuring items, all ultimately
> >>>>> generating Brooklyn blueprints.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Note that this is proposed to replace the existing UI, and as we have
> >>>>> already deprecated the non-OSGi build, it is proposed to make this
> >>>>> compatible only with the OSGi build.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> It is also worth pointing out that the main authors on this UI are
> >>>>> already Brooklyn contributors, so there is enough experience among
> >>>>> active project members to maintain, explain, and extend this.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Assuming this proposal finds favour, we will open a repo for review
> >>>>> purposes (but it will not be a merged via PR, with the actual
> >>>>> contribution to come via the IP clearance process [1]), followed by
> >>>>> associated PRs in other projects so that everything works seamlessly
> >>>>> (which as minor changes to existing code is more suited to PRs than
> >>>>> the IP clearance process).  Specifically we will:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> * Ensure it builds and runs with the new UI in place of the old (note
> >>>>> below on the Karaf switch)
> >>>>>
> >>>>> * Ensure all tests are passing (esp UI tests)
> >>>>>
> >>>>> * Ensure there are effective dev/test pathways and that documentation
> >>>>> is updated (in particular for testing the UI and with the UI; this
> >>>>> should be much simpler as the new UI can run separately, point at a
> >>>>> REST endpoint, and can do incremental updates for UI code changes
> >>>>> made while running!)
> >>>>>
> >>>>> * Ensure we have IP clearance, license, and are duly diligent in the
> >>>>> approval (as this is a large contribution we recognise this will need
> >>>>> special attention)
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Are there any objections at this point, or any suggestions for other
> >>>>> tasks we should do to ensure its smooth integration?  Note that this
> >>>>> is purely advisory at this stage but we would very much appreciate
> >>>>> early sight of any potential obstacles.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Once the above list is complete we will commence the IP clearance
> >>>>> process including formal vote.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Best,
> >>>>> Alex
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> [1]
> >>> https://incubator.apache.org/ip-clearance/ip-clearance-template.html
> >>>
> --

Thomas Bouron
Senior Software Engineer

*Cloudsoft <https://cloudsoft.io/> *| Bringing Business to the Cloud

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