On 12/03/2011 03:42, Peter Donald wrote:
I'm tempted to turn the feature on by default since I believe it's the right
thing to do (compatibility-wise) on Maven repos.  However, it could be a
breaking change if people currently depend on SNAPSHOTs being updated
in-place instead of uploading a new artifact with a timestamp.

Anybody has a strong opinion about this?

I think we should do the "right" thing and be compatibile with Maven.

I think the default should stay the same in the 1.4.x branch, but could be changed for the next major release (>=1.5.0). And, it is easy to add this to the build with the Buildr.application.options.unique_version option in the buildfile, so it is okay for me.

Great job anyway !

my 2cts

Jean-Philippe Caruana
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