We're voting on the source distributions available here:


The documentation generated for this release is available here:

The following changes were made since 1.4.19:

  * Fixed : Work around bug/feature of jruby 1.7.13 that caches Gem::Version
            objects based on constructor parameters that causes issues with
            Buildr as we mutate the version objects through monkey patching.
  * Change: Upgrade rjb dependency to 1.4.9.
  * Change: BUILDR-701 - Update to JUnit 4.11. Submitted by
Jean-Philippe Caruana.
  * Added:  Support the 'report_level' property on findbugs addon.
  * Change: Update the findbugs addon to use the 3.0.0 version of Findbugs.
  * Change: Update the findbugs addon to use the built-in findbugs stylesheet
            to generate the html report.
  * Fixed:  Ensure that the 'source_paths' and 'extra_dependencies' properties
            in the findbugs addon does not contain arrays or nils.
  * Fixed:  Ensure that the 'single_intermediate_layout' addon removes the top
            level target and reports directories during 'clean' phase.
  * Added:  Enhance idea project generation of ejb facet by looking for ejb
            descriptors in location compatible with ejb-jars.
  * Fixed:  Ensure that the 'source_paths' property in the pmd addon does not
            contain arrays or nils.


Peter Donald

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