The uberized jdbc adapter fails with "Unable to instantiate java compiler"
when i try it with tools like DbVisualizer or SQurriel .

Noticed same error has been discussed in two others thread but there is no
resolution. In my case the adapter pom contains a single janino-2.7.6
dependency (via the calcite-core).

Could this be related to the maven-shade-plugin configuration?

On 20 November 2016 at 23:52, Christian Tzolov <> wrote:

> FYI, the uber jar jdbc did the job
> On 20 November 2016 at 22:34, Christian Tzolov <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've been working on Calcite adapter for a nosql datastore.
>> The prototype works fine when i test it with the Sqlline command line
>> tool. But it is not entirely clear how to use it through a jdbc driver from
>> 3rd party tools. I've read the avatica docs but not sure if i'm getting it
>> right.
>> For the loca jdbc driver case do i need build my adapter as an uber jar
>> to bundle all necessary dependencies? If so are there any examples around?
>> For the remote jdbc mode do i need to create and build a customer avatica
>> server that pulls my adapters dependencies?
>> I am sorry if this question has been answered already
>> Cheers,
>> Christian

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