Hi Julian,

as I already declared my interest in MATCH_RECOGNIZE and offered my help, I 
plan to do some things in the next one or two weeks.
Thus, I wanted to start based on your branch (“1935-match-recognize”).

I have some problems getting it to run.
Is it possible that there are some files missing in the commit or are there 
some things to consider?

Julian (F)

On 2018/11/26 20:09:00, Julian Hyde <j...@apache.org<mailto:j...@apache.org>> 
> Over thanksgiving, I started working on MATCH_RECOGNIZE again. I wrote a 
> standalone class called Automaton that allows you to build patterns 
> (basically regular expressions, but sufficient for the PATTERN sub-clause of 
> MATCH_RECOGNIZE), and execute them in a unit test.>
> Would someone like to help me develop this? We have support for “*” (zero or 
> more repeats), “+” (1 or more repeats) and “{m,n}” (bounded repeats) but need 
> “|” (or) and several others. It should be fairly straightforward test-driven 
> development: add tests to AutomatonTest.java [1], then change Automaton, 
> AutomatonBuilder, Pattern or Matcher until they pass.>
> We also need lots of SQL tests. Could someone write queries against Oracle’s 
> “ticker” table and paste the queries and results into match.iq?>
> See CALCITE-1935 [2], and my branch [3].>
> I have cherry-picked commits from Zhiqiang He’s branch [4] into my branch, so 
> this will be a joint effort when it is finished.>
> Julian>
> [1] 
> https://github.com/julianhyde/calcite/blob/1935-match-recognize/core/src/test/java/org/apache/calcite/runtime/AutomatonTest.java
> <https://github.com/julianhyde/calcite/blob/1935-match-recognize/core/src/test/java/org/apache/calcite/runtime/AutomatonTest.java><https://github.com/julianhyde/calcite/blob/1935-match-recognize/core/src/test/java/org/apache/calcite/runtime/AutomatonTest.java%3e>>
> [2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CALCITE-1935 
> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CALCITE-1935><https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CALCITE-1935%3e>>
> [3] https://github.com/julianhyde/calcite/tree/1935-match-recognize/ 
> <https://github.com/julianhyde/calcite/tree/1935-match-recognize/><https://github.com/julianhyde/calcite/tree/1935-match-recognize/%3e>>
> [4] 
> https://github.com/Zhiqiang-He/calcite/tree/calcite-1935-MR-Implementation3 
> <https://github.com/Zhiqiang-He/calcite/tree/calcite-1935-MR-Implementation3><https://github.com/Zhiqiang-He/calcite/tree/calcite-1935-MR-Implementation3%3e>>
> > On Nov 21, 2018, at 8:45 AM, Julian Feinauer 
> > <j....@pragmaticminds.de<mailto:j....@pragmaticminds.de>> wrote:>
> > >
> > Sorry, this is an old mail which got sent accidentally again by my mail 
> > program.>
> > Please ignore this and excuse this.>
> > >
> > Julian>
> > >
> > Am 21.11.18, 16:34 schrieb "Julian Feinauer" 
> > <j....@pragmaticminds.de<mailto:j....@pragmaticminds.de>>:>
> > >
> >    Hi Julian,>
> > >
> >    I decided to reply to this (old) email, because here some facts are 
> > noted.>
> >    Funnily, Apache Flink released their MATCH_RECOGNIZE Implementation 
> > yesterday.>
> > >
> >    So I recall that you and Zhigiang He did something on this.>
> >    I would like to have such a feature in Calcite (as stated in the other 
> > mail) and could try to go into this a bit with a colleague of mine and give 
> > a bit of support on this topic (In fact, it sounds like fun to us…).>
> >    Perhaps theres also the chance to learn something from Flinks 
> > implementation, as you already had some contacts with them, I think?>
> > >
> >    Best>
> >    Julian>
> > >
> >    On 2018/07/23 17:53:57, Julian Hyde 
> > <j....@apache.org<mailto:j....@apache.org>> wrote:>
> >> For quite a while we have had partial support for MATCH_RECOGNIZE. We 
> >> support it in the parser and validator, but there is no runtime 
> >> implementation. It’s a shame, because MATCH_RECOGNIZE is an incredibly 
> >> powerful SQL feature for both traditional SQL (it’s in Oracle 12c) and for 
> >> continuous query (aka complex event processing - CEP).>>
> >> >
> >> I figure it’s time to change that. My plan is to implement it 
> >> incrementally, getting simple queries working to start with, then allow 
> >> people to add more complex queries.>>
> >> >
> >> In a dev branch [1], I’ve added a method Enumerables.match[2]. The idea is 
> >> that if you supply an Enumerable of input data, a finite state machine to 
> >> figure out when a sequence of rows makes a match (represented by a 
> >> transition function: (state, row) -> state), and a function to convert a 
> >> matched set of rows to a set of output rows. The match method is fairly 
> >> straightforward, and I almost have it finished.>>
> >> >
> >> The complexity is in generating the finite state machine, emitter 
> >> function, and so forth.>>
> >> >
> >> Can someone help me with this task? If your idea of fun is implementing 
> >> database algorithms, this is about as much fun as it gets. You learned 
> >> about finite state machines in college - this is your chance to actually 
> >> write one!>>
> >> >
> >> This might be a good joint project with the Flink community. I know Flink 
> >> are thinking of implementing CEP, and the algorithm we write here could be 
> >> shared with Flink (for use via Flink SQL or via the Flink API).>>
> >> >
> >> Julian>>
> >> >
> >> [1] https://github.com/julianhyde/calcite/commits/1935-match-recognize 
> >> <https://github.com/julianhyde/calcite/commits/1935-match-recognize>><https://github.com/julianhyde/calcite/commits/1935-match-recognize%3e%3e>>
> >> >
> >> [2] 
> >> https://github.com/julianhyde/calcite/commit/4dfaf1bbee718aa6694a8ce67d829c32d04c7e87#diff-8a97a64204db631471c563df7551f408R73
> >>  
> >> <https://github.com/julianhyde/calcite/commit/4dfaf1bbee718aa6694a8ce67d829c32d04c7e87#diff-8a97a64204db631471c563df7551f408R73>>>
> > >
> > >

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