You are correct that my 1935-match-recognize branch doesn’t compile (as of 
1a552a9). I committed and pushed in the middle of a change because I had done a 
non-trivial rebase.

I haven’t missed a file; the two compilation errors were intended to remind me 
where to start work again. I am working on generating code to emit rows, and to 
populate measures and predicates from the input row. If you can make progress 
on that, that would be awesome.

Are anchors (“^” and “$”) supported by Oracle? If so can you point me to the 
spec/examples. I am surprised that anything to do with patterns needs see 
beyond the boundaries of the current partition. I had assumed that each 
partition has its own state machine and it will be difficult to change that.


> On Dec 25, 2018, at 2:56 PM, Julian Feinauer <> 
> wrote:
> Hey,
> it's once again me, JulianF.
> I started work on the Automaton / Matcher and implemented OR and OPTIONAL 
> ("?") to get started with the code.
> I would highly appreciate if you (Julian H) could check this code (I made a 
> PR to your branch).
> Then, what else did you consider as necessary for the implementation?
> I thought about anchors ("^", "$") but this would need a little bit of extra 
> changes in the PartitionStates, as far as I see it (to check when we "enter" 
> a partition and when we "leave".
> Best
> JulianF
> Am 25.12.18, 20:38 schrieb "Julian Feinauer" <>:
>    Hi Julian,
>    as I already declared my interest in MATCH_RECOGNIZE and offered my help, 
> I plan to do some things in the next one or two weeks.
>    Thus, I wanted to start based on your branch (“1935-match-recognize”).
>    I have some problems getting it to run.
>    Is it possible that there are some files missing in the commit or are 
> there some things to consider?
>    Thanks!
>    Julian (F)
>    On 2018/11/26 20:09:00, Julian Hyde 
> <<>> wrote:
>> Over thanksgiving, I started working on MATCH_RECOGNIZE again. I wrote a 
>> standalone class called Automaton that allows you to build patterns 
>> (basically regular expressions, but sufficient for the PATTERN sub-clause of 
>> MATCH_RECOGNIZE), and execute them in a unit test.>
>> Would someone like to help me develop this? We have support for “*” (zero or 
>> more repeats), “+” (1 or more repeats) and “{m,n}” (bounded repeats) but 
>> need “|” (or) and several others. It should be fairly straightforward 
>> test-driven development: add tests to [1], then change 
>> Automaton, AutomatonBuilder, Pattern or Matcher until they pass.>
>> We also need lots of SQL tests. Could someone write queries against Oracle’s 
>> “ticker” table and paste the queries and results into>
>> See CALCITE-1935 [2], and my branch [3].>
>> I have cherry-picked commits from Zhiqiang He’s branch [4] into my branch, 
>> so this will be a joint effort when it is finished.>
>> Julian>
>> [1] 
>> <><>>
>> [2] 
>> <><>>
>> [3] 
>> <><>>
>> [4] 
>> <><>>
>>> On Nov 21, 2018, at 8:45 AM, Julian Feinauer 
>>> <<>> wrote:>
>>> Sorry, this is an old mail which got sent accidentally again by my mail 
>>> program.>
>>> Please ignore this and excuse this.>
>>> Julian>
>>> Am 21.11.18, 16:34 schrieb "Julian Feinauer" 
>>> <<>>:>
>>>   Hi Julian,>
>>>   I decided to reply to this (old) email, because here some facts are 
>>> noted.>
>>>   Funnily, Apache Flink released their MATCH_RECOGNIZE Implementation 
>>> yesterday.>
>>>   So I recall that you and Zhigiang He did something on this.>
>>>   I would like to have such a feature in Calcite (as stated in the other 
>>> mail) and could try to go into this a bit with a colleague of mine and give 
>>> a bit of support on this topic (In fact, it sounds like fun to us…).>
>>>   Perhaps theres also the chance to learn something from Flinks 
>>> implementation, as you already had some contacts with them, I think?>
>>>   Best>
>>>   Julian>
>>>   On 2018/07/23 17:53:57, Julian Hyde 
>>> <<>> wrote:>
>>>> For quite a while we have had partial support for MATCH_RECOGNIZE. We 
>>>> support it in the parser and validator, but there is no runtime 
>>>> implementation. It’s a shame, because MATCH_RECOGNIZE is an incredibly 
>>>> powerful SQL feature for both traditional SQL (it’s in Oracle 12c) and for 
>>>> continuous query (aka complex event processing - CEP).>>
>>>> I figure it’s time to change that. My plan is to implement it 
>>>> incrementally, getting simple queries working to start with, then allow 
>>>> people to add more complex queries.>>
>>>> In a dev branch [1], I’ve added a method Enumerables.match[2]. The idea is 
>>>> that if you supply an Enumerable of input data, a finite state machine to 
>>>> figure out when a sequence of rows makes a match (represented by a 
>>>> transition function: (state, row) -> state), and a function to convert a 
>>>> matched set of rows to a set of output rows. The match method is fairly 
>>>> straightforward, and I almost have it finished.>>
>>>> The complexity is in generating the finite state machine, emitter 
>>>> function, and so forth.>>
>>>> Can someone help me with this task? If your idea of fun is implementing 
>>>> database algorithms, this is about as much fun as it gets. You learned 
>>>> about finite state machines in college - this is your chance to actually 
>>>> write one!>>
>>>> This might be a good joint project with the Flink community. I know Flink 
>>>> are thinking of implementing CEP, and the algorithm we write here could be 
>>>> shared with Flink (for use via Flink SQL or via the Flink API).>>
>>>> Julian>>
>>>> [1] 
>>>> <>><>>
>>>> [2] 
>>>> <>>>

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