Sounds like a good idea if this state can only be seen by committers/PMC, 
because we should keep the quality of code reviewing, we should make some limit 
on who can review the code, as far as I know, many contributors are not that 
familiar with our code, and usually a good review comes from committers or even 
only from Julian !

Danny Chan
在 2019年7月15日 +0800 PM11:47,Stamatis Zampetakis <>,写道:
> Hello,
> I was thinking that it would be helpful if we had an additional JIRA state
> stating that the ticket is under ongoing review.
> It would help to better monitor progress and provide more insights towards
> the release.
> Having an assigned reviewer (most often a committer) would mean that this
> person is going to help resolving the ticket for the next release (or find
> somebody else to delegate this task). That doesn't mean that other people
> should not participate in the discussion, however if things block he/she
> should be the first person to take action.
> What do you think?
> If there are not any objections, I will create an INFRA ticket.
> Best,
> Stamatis

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