Hello Naveen,

1. If I understand correctly, then yes you can extract nested fields from
struct type. The syntax depends on StructKind value for your data type,
for example for FULLY_QUALIFIED struct you should first
    make alias for your table and then request nested field like,
table_alias.struct_column.nested_field. In rel tree such expressions are
presented as RexCall with SqlItemOperator operator.
2. Yes, this ability was implemented in CALCITE-3138 [1]. It builds call to
ROW type constructor function on top of flattened tree for necessary
3. Yes, examples of such functions are ROW(...), ANY_VALUE(...) etc.

In current implementation of flattener  invocation of ROW constructor
function is done despite of null handling same issue exists for some
aggregate function flattening, like COUNT(struct_column).
Proper null handling is real pain for flattener, original idea was to
handle special null indicator for each flattened struct, but in practice I
recognized that it's really hard to deal with flattened fields indices when
related methods are called from very different points, so for now the
problem remains unsolved.
If you can't avoid dealing with null values in your struct columns you
could try to avoid invocation to SqlToRelConverter.flattenTypes(...) and
check whether final plan acceptable for you. As far as I know
there is no reading material for given topic, you can investigate source
code by debugging RelStructuredTypeFlattener and reading some related plans
in SqlToRelConverterTest.java and SqlToRelConverterTest.xml.

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CALCITE-3138


On Thu, Oct 24, 2019 at 12:57 PM Naveen Kumar
<naveenkuma...@flipkart.com.invalid> wrote:

> Hi,
> I work at Flipkart, we are using Calcite in our streaming platform. In most
> of our use cases, input data is nested. I understand Calcite flattens
> structs in scan and references fields positionally.
> I had a few questions on handling nested data -
>    1. Can RelNode DAG work with nested data (instead of flattened fields)
>    by referencing fields through their nested structure eg,
> data.order.orderId
>    2. In the current flattened behavior, can output of a query be a struct.
>    Eg if *orderId, orderData.timestamp, orderData.category* are output of
>    select query, can I declaratively organise output to below json
> structure -
>       1.
> *{ "orderId": "order1", "orderData": { "timestamp": 1571904384814,
>          "category": "shoes" } }*
>       3. Can output of a UDF be struct type
> Please point me to any reading material or example that would help with
> these questions.
> Regards,
> Naveen
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