Hi Igor,

Yes, I came to the same conclusion, thank you. This is how it basically
happens when converters are disabled:
1) We start with initial tree: [LogicalProject] <- [LogicalScan]
2) Then we convert LogicalScan to PhysicalScan, so it is added to the
set: [LogicalProject]
<- [LogicalScan, PhysicalScan]
3) Finally, when it is time to fire a rule for PhysicalScan, we try to get
parents of that scan set with traits of the PhysicalScan. Since there are
no such parents (we skipped it intentionally), the rule is not queued.

But when converters are enabled, a converter rel is created: [LogicalProject]
<- [LogicalScan, PhysicalScan, ConverterFromPhysicalToLogical]. No rules
are fired for PhysicalScan again, but they are fired for converter since it
has the necessary LOGICAL trait.

It makes sense, that converters essentially allow forcing rule invocation
on parents, even if the child was created with different traits. But it
seems that this mechanism may be too heavy for complex queries because it
literally creates hundreds of new converter rels and triggers rules over
and over again.

We need some fine-grained alternative. Basically, what would be enough for
me is to let the planner know somehow: "I created that rel, and I want you
to execute parent rules not only using its trait but also on this and those
Is there any API in Calcite which allows doing this without creating a new
rel node?


ср, 30 окт. 2019 г. в 09:25, Seliverstov Igor <gvvinbl...@gmail.com>:

> Vladimir,
> Probably it'll help you:
> Seems the cause of issue in RelSubset.getParentRels()  The check used when
> the planner schedules newly matched rules after successful transformation
> (see VolcanoRuleCall.matchRecurse), it prevents the parent rule be applied
> once again (here your logical project with an input having ANY distribution
> doesn't satisfy a transformed input traits).
> In our case we use another workaround, so there are also much more
> transformations than we wanted, so the desired rule is triggered.
> вт, 29 окт. 2019 г., 14:46 Vladimir Ozerov <ppoze...@gmail.com>:
> > Hi Vladimir,
> >
> > I am sorry. Pushed, it works now.
> >
> > вт, 29 окт. 2019 г. в 14:41, Vladimir Sitnikov <
> > sitnikov.vladi...@gmail.com
> > >:
> >
> > > > mvn clean test
> > >
> > > [ERROR] The goal you specified requires a project to execute but there
> is
> > > no POM in this directory
> > >
> > > Vladimir, please push missing files
> > >
> > > Vladimir
> > >
> >

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