Stamatis, thanks for preparing the release.

My vote is
[x] -1 Do not release this package because...

1) apache-calcite-1.27.0-src.tar.gz contains compiled code,
and it is forbidden to release compiled code in source packages.


2) apache-calcite-1.27.0-src.tar.gz contains binary files, which should not
appear in source releases:
site/img/cake.jpg, feather.png, and other binary blobs (9 total)
site/_sass/_style.scss -- contains obscure blobs
like PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiA/Pgo8c3ZnIHhtbG5....

3) /LISENCE file in git mentions <<Additional License files can be found in
'licenses' folder located in the same directory as the LICENSE file>>,
however, there's no licenses file in git.
It causes confusion for those who look at git sources, so they don't
if those are optional or mandatory features or whatever.

One of the options to resolve 1&2 is to remove .min.js, .ico, .png, and
.scss files from the release completely.


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