I've no issues with making the existing visitor more generic, however,
the choice of accept methods seems arbitrary :-/

Would it help if we move or prefer using algebras rather than visitors?

Just to clarify:
1) I would like to refrain from breaking compatibility, especially if we
add an abstract method that is used in 1% of Calcite calls.
If you still want to break backward compatibility, it would be great if you
could show at least one use case for the change.
Otherwise, it would end up a breakage without even having a use case for it
No kidding. I think RelShuttle is not really useful, and we could just drop
all RelNode#accept methods and lose virtually no features.
Adding generics on top of RelShuttle is not going to heal that.

2) The current RelShuttle does not seem to add much value.
In other words, all implementations of accept(RelShuttle) method are
The example from Wikipedia suggests:

Wikipedia>Define a separate (visitor) object that implements an operation
to be performed on elements of an object structure
Wikipedia>*Clients* *traverse *the object structure and *call a dispatching
operation accept* (visitor) on an element

I think the naming or the implementation in Calcite is wrong.
We should either stop naming such things as RelShuttle and RexVisitor
"visitors" or we should incline to the canonical approach.


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