Vladimir, there are 22 implementations of RelShuttleImpl(excluding tests)
in calcite core.  That hardly seems like no value add.  I am not sure why
RelNode.visit needs to exist though, the dispatch could simply be done in
some method internal to the visitor/shuttle.

On Thu, Dec 2, 2021 at 2:07 AM Vladimir Sitnikov <
sitnikov.vladi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've no issues with making the existing visitor more generic, however,
> the choice of accept methods seems arbitrary :-/
> Would it help if we move or prefer using algebras rather than visitors?
> https://oleksandrmanzyuk.wordpress.com/2014/06/18/from-object-algebras-to-finally-tagless-interpreters-2/
> Just to clarify:
> 1) I would like to refrain from breaking compatibility, especially if we
> add an abstract method that is used in 1% of Calcite calls.
> If you still want to break backward compatibility, it would be great if you
> could show at least one use case for the change.
> Otherwise, it would end up a breakage without even having a use case for it
> :-(
> No kidding. I think RelShuttle is not really useful, and we could just drop
> all RelNode#accept methods and lose virtually no features.
> Adding generics on top of RelShuttle is not going to heal that.
> 2) The current RelShuttle does not seem to add much value.
> In other words, all implementations of accept(RelShuttle) method are
> trivial.
> The example from Wikipedia suggests:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visitor_pattern#What_solution_does_the_Visitor_design_pattern_describe
> ?
> Wikipedia>Define a separate (visitor) object that implements an operation
> to be performed on elements of an object structure
> Wikipedia>*Clients* *traverse *the object structure and *call a dispatching
> operation accept* (visitor) on an element
> I think the naming or the implementation in Calcite is wrong.
> We should either stop naming such things as RelShuttle and RexVisitor
> "visitors" or we should incline to the canonical approach.
> Vladimir

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