Ahh, thank you Julian, appreciate that you're always answering my questions.

That all makes sense. I suppose the downside of using these incredibly handy
test helpers/utils is that I haven't a clue what's actually going on, haha.

Will try to figure out how to manually perform the process of creating a
proper "Connection" object and adding the schemas to it.

On the bright side, this was the very last blocker to having a prototype of
project working end-to-end!

Took me almost a month and I had to ask for a lot of help, but I'm just
that it works =D

On Sun, Jan 2, 2022 at 1:16 AM Julian Hyde <jhyde.apa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Gavin,
> The reason is that you need two “ingredients” to execute a query. You need
> the expression, and you need a connection. The expression is written in
> terms of relations, which have a fully-qualified path,
> “schema.subSchema.tableName”. But only the connection (to be precise, its
> root schema) contains the actual table objects.
> Usually you get a RelRunner from a connection. RelRunners.run seems to
> offer a short-cut — it creates a dummy connection using “jdbc:calcite:”.
> But you get what you pay for. This connection is empty. Its root schema
> contains no sub-schemas, and no tables. It’s only good for executing
> statements that do not reference any tables.
> Sorry to hear that you had two days of frustration.
> Julian
> > On Jan 1, 2022, at 10:44 AM, Gavin Ray <ray.gavi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > After two days of banging my head against the wall, I figured it out!
> >
> > It only works if I run the query in the context of a "CalciteConnection",
> > and I use "connection.unwrap()" to create the "RelRunner".
> >
> > WRONG:
> > ==========================
> > val run = RelRunners.run(bestExp)
> > val resultSet = run.executeQuery()
> >
> > RIGHT:
> > ==========================
> > val runner = connection.unwrap(RelRunner::class.java)
> > val resultSet = runner.prepareStatement(bestExp).executeQuery()
> >
> > Why is this out of curiosity?
> >
> > I only figured this out by mimicking the "FrameworksTest" case below,
> > so I don't understand the "why".
> >
> >
> https://github.com/apache/calcite/blob/de847c38f3544f9c7282984f32dc1093bdb2fb60/core/src/test/java/org/apache/calcite/tools/FrameworksTest.java#L342-L376
> >
> >
> >
> > On Fri, Dec 31, 2021 at 6:22 PM Gavin Ray <ray.gavi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> It appears to be because "getSubSchema" in
> >> "calcite.jdbc.CalciteSchema.SchemaPlusImpl" has a "subSchemaMap" that
> loses
> >> the "hr" schema and only contains "metadata" [0]
> >>
> >> But if I call the same function the map shows "hr" is present [1] which
> >> doesn't make sense to me
> >>
> >> [0]: https://imgur.com/djlkBVf
> >> [1]: https://imgur.com/eEOvjdS
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Fri, Dec 31, 2021 at 5:20 PM Gavin Ray <ray.gavi...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Unsure of where this is coming from/how to debug it.
> >>> (The code I am using is below, taken from Calcite examples)
> >>>
> >>> If I print out the sub-schema names of "rootSchema", and their tables,
> I
> >>> get:
> >>>
> >>>    subSchemaNames: [hr, metadata]
> >>>    "hr" subSchema table names: [depts, emps]
> >>>    "metadata" subSchema table names: [COLUMNS, TABLES]
> >>>
> >>> So I am not certain what value is being passed that it would fail
> >>> a "schema.getSubSchema()" call, or where to put a breakpoint to debug
> >>> that.
> >>>
> >>> Does anyone spot something I'm doing that's clearly wrong, or have an
> idea
> >>> where I could look to find the code that's causing this?
> >>>
> >>> Stacktrace winds up at "Baz", so I think it's generated code
> >>> Thank you
> >>> ===========================================================
> >>>
> >>> fun main(args: Array<String>) {
> >>>    val hr = Frameworks.createRootSchema(true).add("hr",
> >>> HrClusteredSchema())
> >>>
> >>>    val frameworkConfig: FrameworkConfig = Frameworks
> >>>        .newConfigBuilder()
> >>>        .parserConfig(SqlParser.config().withCaseSensitive(false))
> >>>        .defaultSchema(hr)
> >>>        .build()
> >>>
> >>>    Frameworks.withPlanner(::test, frameworkConfig)
> >>> }
> >>>
> >>> fun test(cluster: RelOptCluster, relOptSchema: RelOptSchema,
> rootSchema:
> >>> Schema) {
> >>>    val planner = cluster.planner
> >>>    val relBuilder: RelBuilder =
> >>>        RelFactories.LOGICAL_BUILDER.create(cluster, relOptSchema)
> >>>
> >>>    val relRoot: RelNode = // ...
> >>>    val desiredTraits =
> >>> cluster.traitSet().replace(EnumerableConvention.INSTANCE)
> >>>    val newRoot = cluster.planner.changeTraits(relRoot, desiredTraits)
> >>>
> >>>    cluster.planner.root = newRoot
> >>>    val bestExp = cluster.planner.findBestExp()
> >>>    val run = RelRunners.run(bestExp)
> >>>    val resultSet = run.executeQuery()
> >>> }
> >>>
> >>

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