Let’s not worry about the names, and say that some DBs have two namespace 
levels and others have just one.

Calcite’s word for a namespace is ’schema’. Calcite schemas are arranged in a 
hierarchy, like a filesystem, so there is no preferred depth. Any schema can 
contain both tables and (sub)schemas. So you can easily built a one- or 
two-level namespace structure, or whatever you want.

Calcite’s catalog has a single ‘root schema’ (analogous to the root directory, 
‘/‘ in file systems), and you can get to anything else from there.

In JDBC parlance, a a level 1 namespace is called ‘catalog’, and a level 2 
namespace is a ’schema’. If a DB has a one-level namespace then catalog will be 
null, or the empty string, or something.

If you’re running an Avatica JDBC server backed by a particular Calcite root 
schema, and you want your database to look like a one-level or two-level 
database, we probably don’t make it particularly easy.


> On Jan 27, 2022, at 7:25 AM, Gavin Ray <ray.gavi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My RDBMS experience is nearly exclusively Postgres
> While working on this project, I've made the assumption that the structure
> of a database is:
> Database -> Schema -> Table
> It turns out that this isn't accurate. In MySQL for instance, "Schema" is
> an alias for "DB".
> From the below StackOverflow answer, it seems like this is all over the
> place:
> https://stackoverflow.com/a/7944489/13485494
> I have a "CalciteSchemaManager" object which has a "rootSchema" to which
> all datasources are attached
> This "rootSchema" is used to generate the GraphQL API and types
> It seems like I have two options, and I'm not sure which is a better design:
> 1. Force all datasources to conform to (Database -> Schema -> Table)
> This means that adding a new MySQL database, would generate ("mysql_db" ->
> "root" (fake schema) -> "some_table")
> Adding a CSV schema too, would be something like ("csv_datasource" ->
> "root" -> "some_csv_file")
> 2. Have an irregular data shape. Datasources can be of arbitrary sub-schema
> depth.
> Example Postgres: ("pg_db_1" -> "public" -> "user")
> Example MySQL:   ("mysql_db_1" -> "user")
> Example CSV: ("some_csv_file") or maybe ("csv_source_1" -> "some_csv_file")
> What do you folks think I ought to do?
> Thank you =)

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