Hi there,

I am trying to find my way using Calcite to parse SQL queries, and was 
surprised to find out that parsing the query "SELECT language" fails with an 

This is the code:
> var config = SqlParser.Config.DEFAULT.withLex(Lex.MYSQL);
> var parser = SqlParser.create("SELECT language", config);
> var parsed = parser.parseQuery();

This is the exception:
> org.apache.calcite.sql.parser.SqlParseException: Encountered ". language" at 
> line 1, column 18.
> Was expecting one of:
>     <EOF>
>     "AS" ...
>     [the rest is omitted for brevity, but about 60 more lines follow]

Am I missing something or is this a bug? Note that the query is a simplified 
excerpt of an autoconfiguration query issued by MySQL's JDBC driver and seems 
to be handled well by MySQL servers. Below I am pasting the full query, in case 
someone would like to see the original:
> /* mysql-connector-java-8.0.19 (Revision:
a0ca826f5cdf51a98356fdfb1bf251eb042f80bf) */SELECT 
@@session.auto_increment_increment AS auto_increment_increment,
@@character_set_client AS character_set_client,
@@character_set_connection AS character_set_connection,
@@character_set_results AS character_set_results,
@@character_set_server AS character_set_server, @@collation_server AS
collation_server, @@collation_connection AS collation_connection,
@@init_connect AS init_connect, @@interactive_timeout AS
interactive_timeout, @@language AS language, @@license AS license,
@@lower_case_table_names AS lower_case_table_names,
@@max_allowed_packet AS max_allowed_packet, @@net_write_timeout AS
net_write_timeout, @@performance_schema AS performance_schema,
@@query_cache_size AS query_cache_size, @@query_cache_type AS
query_cache_type, @@sql_mode AS sql_mode, @@system_time_zone AS
system_time_zone, @@time_zone AS time_zone, @@tx_isolation AS
transaction_isolation, @@wait_timeout AS wait_timeout

Thanks for helping out ;)

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