If there’s nowhere for LANGUAGE to come from that would make it semantically 
invalid but wouldn’t affect the syntactic validity. (In other words, you’d get 
an error from SqlValidator but not from SqlParser.)

In this case, the problem is that LANGUAGE is a reserved keyword in both 
standard SQL and Calcite.


> On Mar 23, 2022, at 11:05 AM, Michael Mior <mm...@apache.org> wrote:
> What would you expect this query to return? You haven't specified a FROM
> clause, so there's no indication where "language" should come from.
> --
> Michael Mior
> mm...@apache.org
> Le mer. 23 mars 2022 à 14:02, Adolfo Ochagavía <ado...@ochagavia.nl> a
> écrit :
>> Hi there,
>> I am trying to find my way using Calcite to parse SQL queries, and was
>> surprised to find out that parsing the query "SELECT language" fails with
>> an exception.
>> This is the code:
>>> var config = SqlParser.Config.DEFAULT.withLex(Lex.MYSQL);
>>> var parser = SqlParser.create("SELECT language", config);
>>> var parsed = parser.parseQuery();
>> This is the exception:
>>> org.apache.calcite.sql.parser.SqlParseException: Encountered ".
>> language" at line 1, column 18.
>>> Was expecting one of:
>>>    <EOF>
>>>    "AS" ...
>>>    [the rest is omitted for brevity, but about 60 more lines follow]
>> Am I missing something or is this a bug? Note that the query is a
>> simplified excerpt of an autoconfiguration query issued by MySQL's JDBC
>> driver and seems to be handled well by MySQL servers. Below I am pasting
>> the full query, in case someone would like to see the original:
>>> /* mysql-connector-java-8.0.19 (Revision:
>> a0ca826f5cdf51a98356fdfb1bf251eb042f80bf) */SELECT
>> @@session.auto_increment_increment AS auto_increment_increment,
>> @@character_set_client AS character_set_client,
>> @@character_set_connection AS character_set_connection,
>> @@character_set_results AS character_set_results,
>> @@character_set_server AS character_set_server, @@collation_server AS
>> collation_server, @@collation_connection AS collation_connection,
>> @@init_connect AS init_connect, @@interactive_timeout AS
>> interactive_timeout, @@language AS language, @@license AS license,
>> @@lower_case_table_names AS lower_case_table_names,
>> @@max_allowed_packet AS max_allowed_packet, @@net_write_timeout AS
>> net_write_timeout, @@performance_schema AS performance_schema,
>> @@query_cache_size AS query_cache_size, @@query_cache_type AS
>> query_cache_type, @@sql_mode AS sql_mode, @@system_time_zone AS
>> system_time_zone, @@time_zone AS time_zone, @@tx_isolation AS
>> transaction_isolation, @@wait_timeout AS wait_timeout
>> Thanks for helping out ;)
>> Adolfo

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