Let’s suppose that there is code/tests in Coral would allow Calcite to 
implement this feature. Under the terms of Coral’s license (BSD2) some COULD 
copy code from Coral to Calcite, but SHOULD they?

As an Apache project, and as individuals participating in an open source 
community beyond the ASF, we must be respectful of other projects’ IP and the 
“do not fork” principle.

I would love to hear from Walaa or other Coral committers suggestions how we 
can share functionality between the projects.


> On Jun 1, 2022, at 7:47 AM, Walaa Eldin Moustafa <wa.moust...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi Erik,
> Coral [1, 2] which is based on Calcite might be a good starting point for
> this type of work.There are a couple of dialects it supports right now:
> Hive (or Spark) and Trino (or Presto). You can check out the corresponding
> test cases [3, 4] for these two dialects. coral-common [5] is a module that
> contains all Calcite-related infra required to support any dialect. It is
> extended by both coral-hive and coral-trino.
> [1] https://github.com/linkedin/coral
> [2] https://engineering.linkedin.com/blog/2020/coral
> [3]
> https://github.com/linkedin/coral/blob/master/coral-hive/src/test/java/com/linkedin/coral/hive/hive2rel/HiveToRelConverterTest.java
> [4]
> https://github.com/linkedin/coral/blob/master/coral-trino/src/test/java/com/linkedin/coral/trino/trino2rel/TrinoToRelConverterTest.java
> [5] https://github.com/linkedin/coral/tree/master/coral-common
> Thanks,
> Walaa.
> On Wed, Jun 1, 2022 at 6:44 AM Erik Goldman <erik.gold...@hunters.ai> wrote:
>> I'm Erik <https://www.linkedin.com/in/erik-goldman/> and I'm currently
>> working on a project that requires a patch to Calcite as described in this
>> email <https://www.mail-archive.com/dev@calcite.apache.org/msg17417.html>
>> (a
>> related Jira task is here
>> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CALCITE-4919>)
>> My current work is here
>> <
>> https://github.com/ErikGoldman/calcite-snowflake/commits/snowflake-progress
>> but
>> it needs much more work and understanding of the system to be successful.
>> I'm very early to Calcite and I think it would be better to work with
>> someone who understands the system before doing more work on this.
>> Would anyone be open to offering some advice or helping with the work? I am
>> happy to pay a competitive hourly rate for the assistance.
>> Thank you!

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