Apache Calcite's Project Management Committee (PMC) has invited Alex
Plehanov to become a committer, and we are pleased to announce that he has
accepted the invitation.

Alex is an Apache Ignite PMC member and the main author of the
ignite-calcite module. He has done significant contributions on Calcite,
especially fixing bugs detected by Ignite.

Alex, welcome, thank you for your contributions, and we look forward to
your further interactions with the community! If you wish, please feel free
to tell us a bit more about yourself and what you are currently working on.
As your first commit, you can add yourself to the contributors list [1] and
the community page will re-generate [2].

Ruben (on behalf of the Apache Calcite PMC)

[1] https://github.com/apache/calcite/blob/main/site/_data/contributors.yml
[2] https://calcite.apache.org/community/#project-members

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