You should definitely log a bug for this. Please do so.

We would prefer that new features in SqlToRelConverter are developed
with expand=false. (Rationale: Keeping subqueries as RexSubQuery
expressions allows us to handle them later, via a planner rule, which
makes the logic more composable and therefore less buggy.) But we will
accept bug fixes to SqlToRelConverter running in expand=true mode if
they are clean and simple.

That's quite a big 'if'. I suspect that it's quite hard to make a fix
without significant changes to SqlToRelConverter. If so, you should
stop, because we are not likely to accept it.

Calcite committers,

For a while has
been open, proposing that expand=false is the default. Should we do
it? I think it will clarify our position, and make people less likely
to run into bugs when they use the old expand=true behavior by


On Fri, Feb 10, 2023 at 9:57 AM Jonathan Sternberg <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using Calcite for a project and am attempting to implement the behavior
> for ANY/ALL such as:
> When I attempt to have Calcite create a plan for this query, I get the
> runtime exception from here:
> withExpand = true is the default behavior and, in other cases like HAVING,
> it produces a more desirable plan so I'd prefer to keep withExpand to its
> default value rather than overriding it. Is there a way to allow subqueries
> to be expanded while also allowing subqueries that can't be expanded to
> stay as subqueries? Would Calcite be open to a change that allowed this
> behavior?
> Thanks.
> --Jonathan Sternberg

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