
I am working on this now, to change it to CamelCase.

I am adding xxxConstants classes to the component where we can put the
constants for the key names.
This allows end users to easy spot which keys we have. I decided for
xxxConstants over Constants when end users work with multiple
and want to import Constants then there is a ambiguity. Hence the
component prefix, eg. JmsConstants, HttpConstants

And in the future we could merge them into a
org.apache.camel.Constants or org.apache.camel.Keys class.

In the core the keys are stored on the Exchange that William started
with. We can later decide if we want a Constants class as well,
or whatever.

The values for the keys will be changed to use the new CamelCase syntax.

Claus Ibsen
Apache Camel Committer

Open Source Integration: http://fusesource.com
Blog: http://davsclaus.blogspot.com/

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