
Recently the ExecutorServiceStrategy had a bigger refactor
Such as renaming the class to a better name ExecutorServiceManager.
Also introducing a ThreadPoolFactory, ThreadFactory among others. The
ThreadPoolFactory is a great addition, which makes it easier for 3rd
party to just implement a custom factory, and then reply on the
default manager.

However the refactoring introduced a few issues such as configuring
thread pools on EIPs was flawed. Well it also revealed we were short
of an unit test to cover this. So I created a ticket, and committed a
test to the 2.8 branch.

The refactoring did also make backwards compatibility an issue, so we
will restore that but mark the old API as @deprecated.

The changes are summarized as follows
- ThreadPoolFactory is the light weight and easier for SPI
implementators to create a custom thread pool provider, such as JEE
servers with a WorkManager API. This API has much fewer methods and
they have been adjusted to be 100% JDK API (There is no Camel API in
there, such as ThreadPoolProfile).
- ExecutorServiceManager is the full fledged SPI in case you need 100%
control. But it has Camel APIs such as ThreadPoolProfiles and a number
of more methods. Its is encouraged to just implement a custom
ThreadPoolFactory instead. And keep using the
- ThreadPoolBuilder is adjusted to create a thread pool on the build
method. This is how end users would expect. A builder to create what
its name implies. This also removes entanglement of ThreadPool and
ThreadPoolProfile. The latter is Camel specific and is only part of
the ExecutorServiceManager which manges a list of profiles. To help
uniform and make it easy to adjust thread pool settings at a higher
level. So ThreadPoolProfiles should only be party of the manager.
- EIPs configured using an explicit thread pool by an
executorServiceRef, will now act as expected. If the reference could
not be found, an exception is thrown, stating the reference is not
- Will add the ExecutorServiceStrategy SPI to have Camel 2.9 being
backwards compatible, but mark it as @deprecated. This gives end users
some time to adjust their custom Camel components, and source code if
- Naming of the methods will use the naming convention used by the
JDK. xxxThreadPool for a pool of threads, xxxExecutor if its a single
threaded (eg used for background tasks)
- Made the API of ExecutorServiceManager more similar to the old
ExecutorServiceStrategy so migrating is a breeze, usually just change
the getExecutorServiceStrategy() to getExecutorServiceManager() and
you are settled.

I ran a complete unit test on my local laptop before commiting the changes.
There is a few TODO in the code, which I will work on as well, so
expect a few more commits. The TODO is minor/cosmetic changes I have
spotted, that can be improved.

Claus Ibsen
Email: cib...@fusesource.com
Web: http://fusesource.com
Twitter: davsclaus, fusenews
Blog: http://davsclaus.blogspot.com/
Author of Camel in Action: http://www.manning.com/ibsen/

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