I took the liberty of adding some notes to the Camel 3.0 roadmap

See the section - Improvements to ThreadPoolProfile for thread management

In fact I think we could possible make a compromise with the changes
from Christian and the old/current API in the next Camel 2.9 release.

A minor API change IMHO could be to move the ThreadPoolProfile from
the spi package to the root package.
This is to empower its importance. Also its a class now, it used to be
an interface.
We can make it final and serializable as well.

I would be okay with this API change between 2.8 -> 2.9 as no Camel
components or 3rd party components were using them to create thread
pools and thus no really breakage here. The XML DSL will not be
affected as the factory beans in camel-core-xml can just be adjusted

However it could also be okay to leave it as is. But its a bit odd
since ThreadPoolProfile is now a class in the SPI package. SPI is
really only for interfaces, for 3rd party to plugin custom behavior.

As Christian noted a bit that the ThreadPoolBuilder should have been
named ThreadPoolProfileBuilder.
In fact why not introduced a new ThreadPoolProfileBuilder that only
creates profiles. And keep the existing ThreadPoolBuilder as is.
And then people can use this ThreadPoolProfileBuilder builder to
create profiles, which they can use the new ExecutorServiceManager to
create thread pools. Then people can pick and chose. And there is no
backwards compatibility issues as old and new API can co-exist.

Also as Christian noted he wanted the threads DSL to accept a
ThreadPoolProfile. We can add that to the fluent builder, so you can
do this from the Java DSL. (XML DSL can already support this using the

So in Java DSL you can do

ThreadPoolProfile myProfile = ...

Will this help Christian?

Claus Ibsen
Email: cib...@fusesource.com
Web: http://fusesource.com
Twitter: davsclaus, fusenews
Blog: http://davsclaus.blogspot.com/
Author of Camel in Action: http://www.manning.com/ibsen/

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