My comments inline.


> Installing the commons-dbcp in karaf would be as easy as just doing a
> osgi:install right?

> I would prefer if Karaf / SMX had some sort of jdbc features you could
> install and leverage out of the box. A bit similar to what you see in
> JEE servers for setting up connection pools, and having management and
> monitoring out of the box. AFAIR there is no such service. And thus
> people have to rely on commons-dbcp or other connection pooling. But
> then they have a bit hazzle to monitor and manage that at runtime.
Yeah, this would be an interesting feature (monitoring the pool size and so
on at runtime...). But I think this needs a bit more work...

> If Karaf / SMX had such a jdbc feature then I would be +1 for removing
> it from the Camel features files. I wonder if any existing users rely
> on the commons-dbcp and thus in case of an upgrade would hit any
> trouble? I guess not everyone would read release notes / upgrade
> guides etc. But just go for it, and then hit an issue with
> commons-dbcp not present anymore.
This means you are -1 for removing it right now (because Karaf/SMX doesn't
have this feature right now)?

> --
> Claus Ibsen
> -----------------
> FuseSource
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