On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 3:52 PM, Willem Jiang <willem.ji...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It could be handy if we leverage the other lib in the other camel-module. If
> the user need the module, it will not be a burden for him to include a third
> part lib.

There is already other scripting languages you can use if you want a
more powerful language.
For example camel-groovy, or use camel-script so you can use JavaScript etc.
All these languages have support by IDEs

> On 8/29/11 8:19 PM, Claus Ibsen wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 11:14 AM, Christian Schneider
>> <ch...@die-schneider.net>  wrote:
>>> Hi Claus,
>>> the parser looks quite good as far as I looked into it. In any case much
>>> better than regex. Before we replace the old parser we should also think
>>> about tooling though. Some longer time ago I thought about using Xtext
>>> for
>>> the camel DSL and also the languages. The advantage would be that it is
>>> quite easy to build real good Editor for the IDE. I guess with the
>>> aproach
>>> you followed this is not so easy. Of ocurse the initial effort of Xtext
>>> would be a lot higher but perhaps it can pay off in the long run.
>>> Christian
>> I wanted something that was simple ;). Well in the sense that it does
>> not add any extra JARs to the runtime.
>> So if the tooling can generate plain java source code, then that would be
>> nice.
>> Also the tooling should be active maintained, so we dont end up using
>> a dead end project in camel-core.
>> Another goal is that anyone would be able to understand plain java
>> code, and with a little reading of the code,
>> be able to contribute and, eg. add a new function, or operator etc.
>> I understand that XText is part of Eclipse, and it seems that it uses
>> ANTLR under the covers.
>> I would like to not go down a road to add any runtime deps to camel-core.
>> At camel-extra there is a very old xtext project
>> http://code.google.com/a/apache-extras.org/p/camel-extra/wiki/CamelSpit
>> That said, we could possible add some grammar file to camel-core,
>> which describes the grammer.
>> Then any 3rd party tooling can use the grammar file to generate a
>> parser for its tooling.
>>> Am 29.08.2011 10:18, schrieb Claus Ibsen:
>>>> Hi
>>>> The current Simple language in camel-core has reached its potential in
>>>> terms of maintenance and how easy it would be, for example to add new
>>>> functions and operators. Likewise the current error reporting is not
>>>> precise to point out where in the expression String the problem is.
>>>> The implementation is using regular expressions, and that is one of
>>>> the key problems. I think we have grown to the limit how it is to
>>>> maintain.
>>>> So I have experimented this weekend to build a prototype based on the
>>>> principle of a recursive descent parser
>>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recursive_descent_parser
>>>> I at first looked into using a parser framework such as JavaCC and
>>>> ANTLR. The former would be able to parse the input, but building the
>>>> AST nodes would require to use its tree compiler, which was not maven
>>>> exposed. Likewise JavaCC is not really maintained anymore. People on
>>>> stackoverflow recommended ANTLR. It has more bells ans whistles, but
>>>> as far as I could see ANTLR requires JAR files in the runtime.
>>>> And frankly I just wanted a fairly simple code, that anybody, would be
>>>> able to look into and help with.
>>>> So I cracked up some prototype code based on the principle from that
>>>> wikipedia article above.
>>> --
>>> --
>>> Christian Schneider
>>> http://www.liquid-reality.de
>>> Open Source Architect
>>> Talend Application Integration Division http://www.talend.com
> --
> Willem
> ----------------------------------
> FuseSource
> Web: http://www.fusesource.com
> Blog:    http://willemjiang.blogspot.com (English)
>         http://jnn.javaeye.com (Chinese)
> Twitter: willemjiang
> Weibo: willemjiang

Claus Ibsen
Email: cib...@fusesource.com
Web: http://fusesource.com
Twitter: davsclaus, fusenews
Blog: http://davsclaus.blogspot.com/
Author of Camel in Action: http://www.manning.com/ibsen/

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