Endpoint documentation is manually created on the wiki which is quite
error prone; plus the wiki page has to then cope with every version of
Camel we release and is very easy to get stale and incorrect - and
with all the 'since version X' text its confusing for users.

Additionally its hard for tool providers to create user interfaces to
let users create and edit endpoint parameters in IDEs and web

To help address this we now have:

* a maven plugin which can automaticaly generate HTML documentation
for how to configure an endpoint as part of the maven site, if you add
a few annotations into your Endpoint code.

If you grab the latest code, do a build, then run:

    cd camel-core
    open target/classes/org/apache/camel/component/timer.html

you'll see the generated HTML docuemtnation for the timer endpoint.
This is then included by default in the jar; so folks can easily get
the documentation for the components on their classpath.

Or run:

    mvn site

and you'll see the Camel Endpoints page generated in the maven site reports.

To get an idea of the annotations, here's the Timer endpoint

notice the use of @UriEndpoint on the endpoint (which links to the
consumer also) then the @UriParam for any URI parameter. (We could in
the future use @UriParam on setters too; for now only field annotation
is supported).

* a ComponentConfiguration API so that tools can introspect components
to discover the available parameters and their types and metadata;
then create/edit either URIs or Endpoints directly

The nice thing about the new ComponentConfiguration API is that a tool
can start from scratch; you don't need to create an endpoint first
from a URI before you can configure things like with
EndpointConfiguration. Also the ComponentConfiguration API is
introspectable; you can ask for all the available
ParameterConfiguration objects (with the name and their types and any
associated metadata such as if Bean Validation API annotations are
used etc).

So today all Camel components work nicely with the
ComponentConfiguration API out of the box; though for components which
don't use the @UriEndpoint annotations, you have to create an endpoint
first before you can introspect what parameters are available. However
for @UriEndpoint annotated endpoints you can immediately get all the
parameter names and types (and any associated metadata such as if bean
validation annotations are used etc).

To get an idea for what tools can do with the ComponentConfiguration
API check out the test case:

Note the differences between UriEndpointComponents (i.e. components
annotated with @UriEndpoint) and with regular camel components with no
metadata. Also note how you can start with nothing; or start with an
existing endpoint or URI; then edit the configuration and finally
create or edit a URI or Endpoint.

Going forward:

Ideally it would be good to annotate as many of the camel components
as possible and move the documentation from the wiki into the Java
source code as javadoc comments so we can more to a more code
generated model of endpoint documentation; we can then generate the
maven site for each release to make the docs a little easier to grok
(so when folks are looking at older releases they don't see loads of
new features all over the page that they can't use ;-). Annotating the
existing components is pretty trivial stuff and it doesn't change the
behaviour of the code at all; its purely for documentation generation.

It would be good to get a CI job to run "mvn site:deploy" so that we
can view & browse the generated documentation and maybe eventually
link the wiki to the generated docs (or even include the generted docs
inside the wiki page).

I guess now we should recommend folks start writing new endpoints with
the annotations as an easier way to start writing components; which
are then self-documenting and more easily used in tools.

For now I've not yet wired the EndpointConfiguration to the
ComponentConfiguration; we could then unify the two things together so
that EndpointConfiguration delegates to ComponentConfiguration maybe;
then folks could create a configuration from a Component (i.e. in an
empty command line / form in a tool) or could create a configuration
from an Endpoint (which can then be pre-populated with the parameters
and their types etc).

What do folks think of the HTML reports? It might be nice to generate
an index site too (e.g. a bit like JavaDoc but with endpoint schemes
rather than packages/classes) so its easier to navigate all the camel
endpoint configuration?

Plus adding in Bean Validation annotation support would be nice (so we
could highlight validation rules etc).


Red Hat

Email: jstra...@redhat.com
Web: http://fusesource.com
Twitter: jstrachan, fusenews
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