Good point yes for 3.0

On Sep 3, 2016, 09:30, at 09:30, Claus Ibsen <> wrote:
>On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 7:00 PM, Hiram Chirino <>
>> Perahps another reason to consider releasing components separately?
>Yeah with 200+ components and then x2 because of Spring Boot starters
>then there is a lot of maven artefacts to build.
>Lets see what we can do after 2.18 - could be a good goal to have for
>Camel 3.0 etc. But lets get the 2.18 release done first.
>> On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 2:39 AM, Claus Ibsen <>
>>> Hi
>>> Just a heads up that we now have so many Maven modules in the source
>>> code that Apache Maven requires more memory to build the entire
>>> code.
>>> The building page has been updated to suggest setting MAVEN_OPTS to
>>> use 3gb of memory (before it was 2gb).
>>> A reason for the many Maven modules is the work on the Spring Boot
>>> where we now generate dedicated camel-xxx-starter modules that are
>>> curated Camel components for Spring Boot which has Spring Boot auto
>>> configuration and a streamlined pom.xml that is aligned with Spring
>>> Boot so the end user experience is that it "just works".
>>> I have changed the CI jobs that are building master branch (eg Camel
>>> 2.18) to use 3gb and these CI jobs now are able to run.
>>> --
>>> Claus Ibsen
>>> -----------------
>>> @davsclaus
>>> Camel in Action 2:
>> --
>> Hiram Chirino
>> Engineering | Red Hat, Inc.
>> | |
>> skype: hiramchirino | twitter: @hiramchirino
>Claus Ibsen
> @davsclaus
>Camel in Action 2:

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