It is great to have a build for JDK 9 and 10!

(Next step is JDK 11, which is already available according to :))

Making the job executing the test for JDK 9 and JDK 10 in parallel was easy:

The job is still running (, but peeking into the logout I guess this easy solution will not work. Both stages are executed on the same node and are therefore using the same file system which causes problems/conflicts with e.g. Apache Derby.

- Pascal

Am 10.05.2018 um 00:15 schrieb Zoran Regvart:
Hi Cameleers,
so it's not that bad[1] 77 tests failed in total. I think we need to
play with opening up some modules a bit. I'm a bit sad that it takes 9
hours for the job to run, when we add JDK 11 I would expect it to take
13 hours, would be nice if there was a way to just run the tests in
parallel on multiple JDKs.



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