Hi Zoran,

it is exactly as you said. Just parallelizing the test part of the build did not work for the reasons you mentioned. Therefore I have reverted the change.

- Pascal

Am 11.05.2018 um 00:05 schrieb Zoran Regvart:
Hi Pascal,
thank you for looking into this. I don't think that using parallel
will help us, here's why: we're building on JDK 8 and we need to use
binaries built on JDK 8. Running same tests in parallel will cause a
lot of flakiness as they might use the same network ports or touch the
same files. So that leaves us with copying the build workspace for
each JDK we want to additionally test before the parallel step -- and
that would be a lot of IO. That's why I mentioned a copy-on-write
filesystem. With something like that, and Luca mentioned using docker,
we could cheaply fork the file system to run the two stages in

Hope that makes sense...


On Thu, May 10, 2018 at 4:10 PM, Pascal Schumacher
<pascalschumac...@gmx.net> wrote:
It is great to have a build for JDK 9 and 10!

(Next step is JDK 11, which is already available according to

Making the job executing the test for JDK 9 and JDK 10 in parallel was easy:


The job is still running
but peeking into the logout I guess this easy solution will not work. Both
stages are executed on the same node and are therefore using the same file
system which causes problems/conflicts with e.g. Apache Derby.

- Pascal

Am 10.05.2018 um 00:15 schrieb Zoran Regvart:
Hi Cameleers,
so it's not that bad[1] 77 tests failed in total. I think we need to
play with opening up some modules a bit. I'm a bit sad that it takes 9
hours for the job to run, when we add JDK 11 I would expect it to take
13 hours, would be nice if there was a way to just run the tests in
parallel on multiple JDKs.



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