
Oh we have even more awesome progress now.

All the work with reflection vs source code generated configurers has bene done.
And also on the model with the property placeholders. Thats a great
win as we avoid loading 200 classes and have about 90kb map object
instance in memory (biggest object domination from Camel according to
the profiler. Now its DefaultCamelContext again ;)

The OSGi blueprint issue has also been fixed.

The examples are currently being migrated and its removed from the main repo.
Omar is working on this.

The spring boot still has outstanding to have the docs and its website
as part of the Camel website.
Zoran will help with this.

The etcd component has a wrong structure with endpoints/components.
I will look into this.

The snakeyaml component needs to be deprecated, and if we have the
time to add jacksonyaml as a new yaml dataformat and use it as
And if so remove snakeyaml.

And then we need to fix test failures on CI on both JDK8 and JDK11

And I may add a few more optimizations.

On Mon, Jan 27, 2020 at 11:18 AM Claus Ibsen <claus.ib...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I just wanted to start the process of getting closer to Camel 3.1 release.
> Despite 3.0 was released only a while back, then we have made great
> progress on 3.1 that is important to get in the hands of the Camel
> users. And for Camel users that migrate to 3.x can then skip 3.0 and
> go straight to 3.1.
> I am working on some further optimizations in the core for 3.1, and I
> hope to find time to share more details in a blog.
> However to get the other work (high level) done and ready for 3.1,
> then lets discuss them here on the @dev mailing list.
> On top of my head we have to do
> 1)
> Finish the separation of camel-spring-boot (there are some tools that
> update docs and generate component list) that needs to be completed.
> 2)
> Generate source code configurer for data formats and languages
> 3)
> The component configuration fluent builder (would be nice)
> 4)
> More camel AWS SDK2 components
> 5)
> Camel Main to plugin the new lightweight XML route parser/loader (for
> example auto discover on classpath the JAR and use it instead of JAXB)
> There are other things of course, but these are the bigger high level
> things I could remember.
> The usual work with new components, examples, other improvements is of
> course also ongoing.
> Lets see if we can get this done and release Camel 3.1 in February.
> --
> Claus Ibsen
> -----------------
> http://davsclaus.com @davsclaus
> Camel in Action 2: https://www.manning.com/ibsen2

Claus Ibsen
http://davsclaus.com @davsclaus
Camel in Action 2: https://www.manning.com/ibsen2

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