Hi Claus,

we have announced a similar move for Camel Quarkus some time ago. We did that based on a similar Quarkus announcement [1]. But when I was about to perform the necessary changes, it turned out that Quarkus got some pushback from the users and thus they abandoned the plan without letting us know - see [2]. As a result, Camel Quarkus also had to revisit the plan. We have decided to make Java 11 our main build and testing JDK, but kept both source and target compatibility at Java 8.

Requiring Java 11+ API on the Camel side would put Camel Quarkus in a bit uncomfortable position: unlike all other extensions offered via code.quarkus.io, our extensions would not work on Java 8 in JVM mode.

We (Camel community) should figure out how to proceed.

[1] https://quarkus.io/blog/quarkus-1-4-final-released/#java-8-deprecated
[2] https://groups.google.com/d/msg/quarkus-dev/yzEjmYCFbwY/oW64kts3AQAJ


-- Peter

On 26/06/2020 10:23, Claus Ibsen wrote:

Just a heads up that from Camel 3.5 onwards we will drop Java 8 support.

So this means that minimum Java version is now Java 11.
We are also working on adding support for Java 14, but it may take a
few releases, but its planned for the next LTS 3.7 release to have
both Java 11 and 14 as supported.

Camel 3.4.x is the LTS release that supports both Java 8 and 11, and
its supported for 1-year (june 2022).

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