
Sounds like a good plan +1


From: Jean-Baptiste Onofré <j...@nanthrax.net>
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2023 09:43
To: dev <dev@camel.apache.org>; dev <d...@karaf.apache.org>
Subject: [CANCEL] [VOTE] Accept karaf-camel as new Apache Karaf subproject

Hi guys,

According to the vote and discussion on this thread, we don't have a
consensus to move camel-karaf into the Karaf community.

1. As we have a decent/large number of users on Karaf running Camel routes.
2. As the Camel "core" community doesn't want to maintain OSGi related
stuff in camel-core.

I propose the following:

1. We keep camel-karaf at Camel (as we have camel-quarkus,
camel-spring-boot, ..., I hope we don't have anything in camel-core
needed/required by camel-quarkus or camel-spring-boot, else it
wouldn't be fair for camel-karaf ;) )
2. Camel Core can remove OSGi related stuff (headers,
maven-bundle-plugin, ...), we will implement a new approach in
camel-karaf (with a custom deployer as I proposed before for
3. I will do a complete cleanup on the camel-karaf main branch,
already upgrading to camel 4 to prepare camel-karaf 4.

Thoughts ?


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