Okay, Dave Gardner, Nick Telford and myself met at the London Cassandra meetup.
We were keen on getting a PHP CQL driver done and decided to use github while 
working on it.
This mail is mainly to raise awareness of this as well as to ask a few 
questions and throw a few things
out there that came up.

These are in no particular order and are just how I remember them.
Firstly, has it already been taken into consideration that CQL implicitly means 
injections may become a problem?

Secondly and this wasn’t so much of a problem but more of a suggestion. While 
going through the Java and Python 
versions, there was a significant lack of docs. I think at the moment that’s 
because Eric Evans may be the only one
moulding CQL together but if we’re going to get many drivers done It will help 
other Devs and not scare off potential
devs. who aren’t close or overly familiar with Cassandra’s internals.

For Devs interested in contributing to the PHP Cassandra (PHPCad) driver, its 
on github @ https://github.com/zcourts/PHPCad 

We also wondered about actually making this an “official” driver. Once it is in 
a stable state, do we just let Eric or one of the other committers know or is 
there a particularly long winded process that has to be followed?

The code on Github at the moment is a reversed engineered version of the Java 
impl. in PHP. I think we’ve agreed that its too “JDBC” like with a lot of 
methods etc that aren’t necessary/needed so Dave has written up some classes 
and interfaces off the Python version so we’ll be changing the base code to 
those as soon as he gets some time.

I’m sure there were other things, possibly more important that I’ve forgotten 
since the meetup but they’ll come to light in due time. Again, the driving 
force behind this at the moment seems to need more man power, we’d like to get 
a bit more momentum behind it and kick off drivers in a few other languages. 
Anyone wishing to contrib. should get it out there.

For ref, a very good link explaining the CQL syntax posted yesterday I believe 

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