Hi all,

I'm hosting the Next-generation Cassandra Conference for C* contributors
alongside ApacheCon this year -- basically, we're subletting the conference
rooms from them.  So if you want to attend the rest of ApacheCon as well,
this is your chance.  And for those who attended last year, Austin is a lot
cooler in April!

Not coincidentally, we have room for twice as many attendees this year, as
well as two breakout rooms.  I want to try a JLS (JVM Language Summit)
model, where interested participants can move to an adjacent room to
continue the discussion around particularly interesting talks, without
derailing the schedule in the main presentation room.  So we'll still be
following a single track of talks, but branching off side discussions
around them.

Attendance is free, but if the available space fills up, presenters
will be given
priority.  So don't be shy about submitting a talk proposal!


Jonathan Ellis
Project Chair, Apache Cassandra
co-founder, http://www.datastax.com

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