There exists a #cassandra-dev IRC channel that’s historically been used by 
developers discussing the project – while it’s public, it’s not archived, and 
it’s not a mailing list. The ASF encourages all discussion to be archived, and 
ideally, archived on a public mailing list. 


Jake suggested, and I want to propose on the list, that we copy a log of that 
channel (minus join/part activity) to dev@ either daily or weekly. We’ll need 
to make sure we comply with Freenode’s IRC logging policy, but the project / 
developers receives the best of both worlds – fast, real time chat but also 
public archives/visibility for people who aren’t online at a given moment. The 
volume may be a bit higher than most of us have come expect from the list, but 
it brings the project closer to doing things in The Apache Way, and we can give 
it an easily-filtered subject for folks who don’t want that noise.



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