Do you have some examples of issues?  

So, to explain my thinking: I believe there is value in most contributors being 
able to know and understand a majority of what the project undertakes.  Many 
people track a wide variety of activity on the project, and whether they 
express an opinion they probably form one and will involve themselves if they 
consider it important to do so.  I worry that importing several distinct and 
only loosely related projects to the same governance and communication 
structures has a strong potential to undermine that capability, as people begin 
to assume that activity and decision-making is unrelated to them - and if that 
happens I think something important is lost.

The sidecar challenges this already but seems hopefully manageable: it is a 
logical extension of Cassandra, existing primarily to plug gaps in Cassandra's 
own functionality, and features may migrate to Cassandra over time.  It is 
likely to have releases closely tied to Cassandra itself.  Other subprojects 
are so far exclusively for consumption by the Cassandra project itself, and are 
all naturally coupled.

Drivers however are inherently arms-length endeavours: we publish a protocol 
specification, and driver maintainers implement it.  They are otherwise fairly 
independent, and while a dialogue is helpful it does not need to be controlled 
by a single entity.  Many drivers will continue to be controlled by others, as 
they have been until now.  We're of course able to ensure there's a strong 
overlap of governance, which I think would be very helpful, and something 
Curator and Zookeeper seem not to have managed.

Looking at the Curator website, it also seems to pitch itself as a relatively 
opinionated product, and much more than a driver.  I hope the recipe for 
conflict in our case is much more limited given the functional scope of a 
driver - and anyway better avoided with more integrated, but still distinct 

That's not to say I don't see some value in the project controlling the driver 
directly, I just worry about the above.

On 22/04/2020, 21:25, "Nate McCall" <> wrote:

    On Thu, Apr 23, 2020 at 5:37 AM Benedict Elliott Smith <>

    > I welcome the donation, and hope we are able to accept all of the
    > drivers.  This is really great news IMO.
    >  I do however wonder if the project may be accumulating too many
    > sub-projects?  I wonder if it's time to think about splitting, and perhaps
    > incubating a project for the drivers?

    This is a legit concern and good question, but I think this is more a
    natural evolution of growing a project. There is precedent for this in
    Spark, Beam, Hadoop and others who have a number of different repositories
    under the general project umbrella.

    What I would like to avoid is a situation like with Apache Curator and
    Apache Zookeeper. The former being a zookeeper client donation from Netflix
    that came in as a top level project. From the peanut gallery, it seems like
    that has been less than ideal a couple of times in the past coordinating
    releases, trademarks and such with separate project management.

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